Firing And Hiring All With In Minutes.

Mr. Chen who was on the line was a little confused. What did she mean by Xing? But his question was soon answered when he heard a melodic voice say: "He's already on his way. Mr. Chen... I will entrust you to pull that granddaughter of yours out of there soon. Otherwise..." Shen Xing did not finish his words. But the meaning was implied. 

Mr. Chen instantly knew who the voice belonged to as he quickly answered: "C-CEO Shen do not worry I already sent my assistant out to bring her home now. If there is nothing more then I will hang up. If there is anything else that either CEO Shen or Madam Shen needs from the Chen family just let me know." 

"I will thank you for your help in this matter, Mr. Chen." Lin Xiaoxiao said nicely. Mr. Chen was an upright man. He was the one who was able to bring his family to the point they are now. He would not want anything to happen to all the hard work he had put into his business.