Smelly Brat

"Miss Shen I have to ask this and I am sure a lot of us here are wondering. But is the maid not your little sister?" Meng Hu asked. He had been wondering ever since he saw the maid in the movie clips if that was Lin Xiaoxiao's sister. 

"Yes, that is my little sister. Before her accident, she did indeed have the role as my maid." Lin Xiaoxiao answered. She did not want to go into details about Minmin's accident. 

"Well, I can see she is also a very good actress as well. We seemed to have found another diamond in the rough. Hopefully, in the future we will see more of her." Meng Hu said seriously. He really thought Minmin's acting was very good. He did not know most of her acting ability was drawn out of her by Lin Xiaoxiao and if Minmin wanted to reach that level of acting on her own she would need to undergo some training.