Sun Qui and Sun Miao’s Schemes

Sun residents… 

Sun Qui walked through the door of the Sun residents. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were still unkempt. She had never been so humiliated in her entire life. Scratching her head in frustration Sun Qui yelled out: "Ahhh!!! That bitch just you wait!"

"What are you yelling for? Who caused you to be so mad… Qui'er what happened to you look at you!? Did you not just get off the plane?" Sun Miao's eyes were open wide in shock. Never had she ever seen her daughter looking like she did now.

"Mom! Some slutty bitch took Brother Shen away from me! She even had her bodyguards toss me out of Star Broadcasting! Mom that slut said she was pregnant and married to Brother Shen!" Sun Qui's face was red with anger as well as having tears roll down her face.