Just A Fly

Lin Xiaoxiao's shout caught everyone's attention. She waved her hand to show everything was fine and then whispered to Shen Xing. "Ruru's is pregnant! Your cousin knocked her up!" 

"I didn't think he was so active." Shen Xing said with a shrug. He did not see the big deal. Little Bo and Shen Li were married after all.

"Lily?" Not getting any response from Lin Xiaoxiao Little Bo started to get worried.

"I'm here. I'm just surprised. When did you find out?" Lin Xiaoxiao asked.

"Today a few hours ago." Little Bo answered.

"Was this something the two of you planned or were the two of you just going at it like rabbits without a care in the world?" Lin Xiaoxiao could already see Little Bo's face burning red from the question she had just asked.

"We umm.. were doing it like rabbits..." Little Bo Said shyly.

"Figured as much… Feels good, right?" LinX Xiaoxiao teased.

"Un… It does..." Lin Xiaxoiao let out a laugh at Little Bo's answer.