An unfamiliar world (6)

Meanwhile, on the thirtieth floor. 

"Boss, the meeting is about to start." The assistant reported. 

Ji Xiehan tore his gaze away from the window he had been staring at for the past few minutes. 

"Okay." He grabbed his briefcase and headed out of the door, briefly turning to face his assistant. "You can go home. I'm staying here tonight." 

"Understood, boss." The assistant waited for him to leave the room before closing it.

That was Ji Xiehan. He was well known as every man's nightmare and every young woman's dream come true. He was very handsome and, unless he was busy or in a bad mood, always had on his lips a charming smile that sent the hearts of women racing.

Putting aside his looks and the number of hearts he had unintentionally harvested, that was the young master of the Ji family. The only son of his parents. However, despite that, he had not taken over his family business, Feng Ji International. Instead, he chose to be the company's negotiation expert.

Well, one had to admit that it suited him. He was so good with his words that he never failed to get what he wanted. Truly, being the CEO was not the only way to elevate Feng Ji International. Thanks to the collaborations he had successfully won, the company's income had improved by leaps and bounds.

Presently he was going to negotiate a very important collaboration for Feng Ji International.

"Director Ji." The two men at the table frowned slightly when they saw him enter. They had come earlier than the agreed time because they wanted to find excuses to reject the collaboration. However, that was now impossible. Ji Xiehan would convince them with just a few words.

Within just a few minutes, the men had changed their minds and agreed to collaborate with Feng Ji International.

Ji Xiehan was tired because before coming to this meeting, he had just landed from a long flight. He was so tired that he did not want to go to his house today. He liked this hotel and he had booked a room to rest earlier so he might as well just spend the night here. 

On the nineteenth floor. 

"Mr. Ji is staying here tonight. His room is 3001." 

"Are you sure? If anything goes wrong, you will not be able to handle the consequences." Ji Feifei said in a threatening voice.

"Miss, you can be rest assured. I booked the room myself. He also said to me that he would not go home tonight."  

"Okay." She smiled, the kind of smile that would lure people into her charm but once they took a good look at the intent behind her eyes, they would freak out. 

Ji Xiehan's assistant was quite reliable. He had even secretly made a copy of the key earlier. She would surely tip him later. 

But for now, she had better things to do. 

After taking care of Li Lanni, that useless girl, she would go and have a good word with her brother and who knows? Maybe keep him company.

That was right. Ji Xiehan was her brother. He had just returned to B City after being away for quite a long time. Of cause she was going to say hi. 

But before then, she took her phone and made a call to Li Lanni.