Call the police

Li Lanni chatted with a few of her classmates. While most of them were friendly to her, some of them seemed distant. She didn't mind. It was expected. 

By the time she realized that it was getting late, she had drunk quite a bit. Not wanting to get too drunk, she went out for a breather. 

Ji Feifei was yet to return. Where the hell did she go? She wondered whether she could get a cab if she looked for one. She was definitely not intending to wait for too long. If anything, Ji Feifei might take advantage of her slight drunkenness. Who knew what that pretender could do when given such a golden chance?

Now she regretted agreeing to come in Ji Feifei's car. She should have just asked for the venue and let a chauffeur drive her here. But then again, that would make it obvious that she did not want to be close to Ji Feifei and that would definitely not help her find any of the answers she was seeking. 

She was still wondering whether to wait a little more or just hail a cab on her own when her phone lit up. The caller was Ji Feifei. She had insistently saved her own phone number on Li Lanni's new phone. 

Li Lanni received it with a sigh. 

"Lanni, help!" 

Li Lanni held her phone away from her ear with a cringe. She only brought it back when the scream stopped. "What happened?" 

"I... I've been robbed and... and..." she sobbed. Her voice was pitiful and hoarse, one could guess that she must have been tortured. 

"What happened?" Li Lanni asked again, although her voice did not contain any hint of worry about her "friend" being in trouble. Instead, she was calm and even slightly irritated. 

"The person I went to meet... he..." Ji Feifei sniffled through the phone. "He found... people to beat me up and..." 

"Why don't you call the police? Where are you? I'll help you call them." Li Lanni cut her off. 

"No no no! Please don't!" Ji Feifei snapped. 

On the other side, Ji Feifei abruptly sat up. 

Even she was puzzled by her own reaction. 

But how could Li Lanni even think of the police? Shouldn't her first reaction be to ask where she was and run over? 

She took a deep breath and faked another sob. "Lanni, that person did this to me because I owe him in a gambling debt. If you call the police, I might go to jail." This should suffice, right? 

As expected, the dumb girl was shocked about her gambling but even then, she gave up the idea about the police and asked for her location. 

"Behind the hotel, there's a dark alley. Cross the alley into a park. I'm sitting on a bench." She hung up right after saying this and stretched her lithe body on the bed. 

"Li Lanni, I have a present for you. I hope you enjoy it." 

With a snicker, she made another phone call. "The bîtch is on her way. I don't care how badly you beat her. Just make sure she doesn't die." 

She hung up and laughed wickedly. 

Of course she would get an 'extra special gift' for that b*tch. Since that had been dealt with, now it was time to make herself happy.