
"Idiot! Such an idiot!" Ji Xiehan punched the air and scolded himself. How could he be so stupid? He should have asked for her contact number! 

A beauty appeared before him and she left before he even struck a proper conversation, and he actually let that happen? 

Actually, Ji Xiehan was nothing like the rumors said. People insinuated that he was single because he hated women and found them troublesome. 

However, that was far from the truth. It was only because he did not think he was ready to entangle himself in a relationship he was not ready to keep to the end. That was why whenever any girl confessed her feelimgs to him, he would reject her without batting an eyelid. 

But the girl just now, she had made his heart race. He was definitely going to find her again. 


The next morning, Li Lanni woke up slightly late after drinking the previous night. 

Now that she was sober, she wondered just why Ji Feifei was trying to make her go to a dark alley. That girl was definitely crazy. 

While she was still thinking about it, she heard her mother say something about Ji Feifei arriving.

she humphed and went downstairs. She really wanted to meet this fake friend. 

She was yet to arrive when she heard Ji Feifei sob. "Aunty, I'm sorry I didn't take good care of Lanni. Is she alright?"

Li Yuming was confused. "She was alright when she came home. Is there something wrong?" 

"She was alright?" Ji Feifei's fake tears stopped flowing. 

"What? Were you hoping that something happened to me?" Li Lanni asked with a stern face. 

"Ah, Lanni! There you are!" 

Ji Feifei was shocked. She was really alright?! How? Didn't she get beaten up last night? 

Li Lanni walked over and sat next to her mother. "I don't know why you would think I'm not alright ... but I should ask you. How are you? Sorry I couldn't make it to you before I became sleepy and decided to come back home." 

She said that she was sorry, but her tone and the words that followed were far from it. 

Li Yuming was no longer paying attention to the young ones' chatter, while Ji Feifei gritted her teeth. "I'm fine actually. Someone else helped me." 

Li Yuming snapped at the words. "Huh, Feifei, something happened to you?" 

Ji Feifei put on a sweet expression. "It was nothing. Lanni is too worried for nothing. I dealt with it just fine." 

"I see. I will let you girls catch up then." Li Yuming left the living room. 

Li Lanni crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Do you think I'm so naive that you could come up with such a half-baked scheme and expect to me to fall for it?"