A playful prank

Ji Feifei was shocked yet again. Since when did Li Lanni start questioning her? Hadn't she always been a little fool? 

She maintained her smile and laughed. "Haha... actually, we were all planning to surprise you. It was just a playful prank but when you didn't appear, I thought someting happened to you.

"Oh. I see." Li Lanni said, with a hidden hint of mockery in her voice.


Several days later. 

The atmosphere was tense and gloomy. 

It was all because the only son of the Ji family, Ji Xiehan, was helpless.

"How can a girl disappear into thin air? Why can't you find her?" His assistant had to shoulder it all as Ji Xiehan vented his frustration on him.

For a friendly man like Ji Xiehan to lose his temper and vent his frustration on other people, it had to be something of extreme importance.

Madam Ji rushed into Ji Xiehan's room.

"Xiehan, what's going on? You are acting so strange." She patted her chest in horror. Her son had never been like this. He had always been a nice man with elegant upbringing. Even when he was a child, he had never thrown a tantrum like other kids did when things didn't go their way.

Just what had offended this honorable god?

Ji Xiehan was looking outside as though he would see his little beauty passing by.

He turned sharply and looked at his mother, not caring about his image at all. "Mother, she's gone. My little beauty is gone."

Madam Ji understood what her son was saying in an instant. Last night, Ji Xiehan had mentioned that he had met a beauty.

She felt sad too. Just when she was finally happy that her son was going to get himself a girl and marry, the girl disapeared? "You don't know how to find her? You don't even know her name?"

Ji Xiehan looked helpless. "I only know her first name. Aside from that, I know nothing else. I wasn't able to find her with that alone."

"Xiehan, don't worry. If she is meant to be with you, you will meet her again very soon."

Hearing this, the anxious Ji Xiehan finally calmed down. That was right. It didn't matter how far they were from each other. As long as they were meant to be, fate would give them a reason to meet again.

Also, why was he being restless because of a girl he had just met? He wasn't actually falling in love with her, right? Wasn't it too early? He decided to go and have a walk to calm himself down.

Ji Xiehan didn't know that the day fate would find him a reason to meet his little beauty would be too soon. It was in fact on the same day.


In the Li mansion, Li Lanni rushed to her mother's side soon after making Ji Feifei leave. "Mom, I want to take a walk. I'll go to the theme park and look around."

Li Yuming had been scared by Li Lanni's near-death accident, so she couldn't possibly be at ease letting her go anywhere on her own. "Can you wait for me for a few minutes? I will finish up my work and accompany you for your walk."

Li Lanni kissed her cheek. "Mom, you don't have to. I will take good care of myself and not let anything happen. You should go ahead with your work."

Li Yuming was still uneasy about it, but she also knew that she shouldn't restrict her daughter simply because she was insecure. She should be thankful that her daughter was still obedient enough to let her know when she wanted to go out."Alright honey. Take care, and if anything happens, please alert me."

"I know mom." she kissed her mother's cheek again and literally ran out.