Our Xiehan is getting laid

"Did you remember anything useful from your hypnosis?"

Li Lanni was about to blurt out what she remembered but held it in. If she remembered correctly, her mother had only given her vague information when she asked about her father. Perhaps she may not want to hear about him.

"It's nothing significant. Just some little snippets of my childhood."

"I see." It was better than nothing.


In the West golf course owned by the Ji family.

"You look like your entire life has been sucked out." Lin Jian mocked.

Ji Xiehan glared daggers at him. "Mind your own business."

Lin Jian clutched his chest like he had suffered a huge heartbreak. "How can you do this to me? Ji Xiehan, am I not your adorable little friend anymore?"

Ji Xiehan gave him a side glance before ignoring him to continue playing golf.

Lin Jian was his best friend.

He was the eldest son of the Lin family, one of the most prestigious families in the capital. When he was still very young, he took over the family business. However, putting his titles and achievements aside, he was the world's infamous playboy.

Rumor had it that he changed girlfriends more frequently than he changed his underwear.

Despite that, countless ladies still clung to him and tried to please him. You could as well say that all the beautiful women in the capital had his private contact number.

What a waste of his looks...

"Eh, Xiehan. Are you in love?"

Ji Xiehan didn't intend to speak to him. Why had this guy come to bother him at such a time?

"You're not in love? Then are you lovelorn? You look more moody than a woman on her period!"

The lovelorn Ji Xiehan was speechless. Was it that obvious?

Lin Jian skipped over to his best friend like he had won the jackpot. "You are really in love. Hahaha this is breaking news." He slung an arm around his shoulder. "Is it... is it a man or a woman?"

"You!" Ji Xiehan kicked him away. "What nonsense are you spouting? Do you have too little work to do?"

Lin Jian wasn't put off by his weird temperament today. "I'm only trying to help a heartbroken bro. Whatever. I'll let you be. Let me stay here silently. When you need my help, I'll be right here."

One second...

Two seconds...

"Xiehan, have you heard?"

Ji Xiehan: "..."

Was this guy a hornbill? He couldn't keep his mouth shut for three seconds.

"The nation's most beautiful woman is coming back from overseas tomorrow. The Fu family are throwing a banquet to welcome her. I want to see how beautiful she looks now he he he."

Of course the main point was that he wanted to hit on that 'nation's beauty'.

But Ji Xiehan's mind was filled with another woman.

He clutched his chest to soothe his broken heart. "She called me a pervert...

Jian, from what angle do I look like a pervert?"

Lin Jian took a few seconds to process what he had just heard.


Someone called Ji Xiehan a pervert?


Ji Xiehan glared at his friend, who was holding onto his ribs and laughing his lungs out.

"This is hilarious. Someone called Ji Xiehan a pervert?! Hahaha. The main point is, Ji Xiehan went after a woman? Wait, don't you hate women and avoid them like plagues? Why would you go after one?"

Ji Xiehan felt even worse. Is this how to console a heartbroken friend who has been called a pervert?

"Seriously, Jiang must know this. Wait, you are serious?"

Ji Xiehan's eyes reddened in anger. "Scram!"

Lin Jian knew that he had poked a beehive and scurried away.

Before Ji Xiehan sighed in relief, that idiot's voice was heard again. "Eh, Jiang, you are here. I was just talking about you."

The newcomer was Jiang Xingyu. He was also Ji Xiehan's childhood friend.

Ji Xiehan's head hurt intensely. Could this day get any worse?

Jiang Xingyu walked towards Lin Jian and slung his arm against the latter's shoulder naturally. "Miss me already?"

Lin Jian pushed him away disdainfully. "You are despicable! How can a grown man miss a fellow man? F*ck!"

Jiang Xingyu didn't look fazed. "You think it's disgusting now, huh? Who was it that wouldn't go to the bathroom unless I held his hand and accompanied him because he was afraid of being bullied?"

"You!" Lin Jian couldn't be any more embarrassed. "So what? I was just an elementary school kid. Can you stop using those incidents from elementary school to shame me?"

Ji Xiehan sighed. These two had started with their banter. It was wise to leave them alone. "Tell me when you are done with your couples spat."

"Eh? Who is having a couples spat with this guy? You are freaking having a couples spat."

"Even if I liked men and wanted to be a couple with one, it wouldn't be this blabbermouth. Jeez! Just how many screws in your mouth are loose?" Jiang Xingyu shoved the blabbermouth aside and went to Ji Xiehan.

"How's the going? I heard you are looking for a new assistant. You fired Fang Xu?"

"Mmh." Ji Xiehan wasn't in the best mood after witnessing this crazy duo's 'lovers' spat'.

Luckily, Jiang Xingyu wasn't as loose mouthed as Lin Jian. "If you have not found one yet, I can recommend a few good ones that I know."

"I already found one."

Lin Jian who was eavesdropping, looked like he had just swallowed a 1000 watt light bulb. "Aah!"

Jiang Xingyu was annoyed. "Are you trying to swallow the sky?"

"No. It's even better. The day our dear Xiehan finds an assistant, he comes back looking like a woman having emotional instability from her period pains. If my guess is right, his assistant is a woman. A very beautiful one at that."

Jiang Xingyu looked at Ji Xiehan then his eyes bulged and shone brighter than the light bulb Lin Jian must have swallowed. "How can you not tell me such an important matter? Our Xiehan is finally going to get laid!"

Ji Xiehan: "…" Get laid your a**