Sly businessman

Lin Jian looked mournful. "As soon as you got here, you started scolding and fighting me. I didn't have time to tell you."

Jiang Xingyu held his chin between his thumb and index finger. "But since it's good news, why does Xiehan look like he swallowed a hundred carrats of angry explosives?"

Lin Jian looked deep in thought too. "I don't understand this either. Perhaps this beautiful assistant rejected him? I heard he was even scolded as a pervert. Pfft."

"Ah. Now it all makes sense. This girl is so blind to reject Xiehan. We must get her and show her just who she is casting aside."

"Right. What do you think we should do? Get her and forcefully drag her here?"

"That's too rude." but it did sound like something an idiot like Lin Jian would do.

"Then we should take her to a room? We can have it decorated perfectly in her style and send our bro over. No girl can resist sweet romance hehe."

"Is your brain filled with nothing but sh*t? How do you manage to be so stupid?"

"How am I being stupid? I'm only trying to help a friend. Hey! I will become more stupid if you keep hitting my head."

Ji Xiehan was speechless. I'm still here, you know.

Jiang Xingyu suddenly looked like he had hit the jackpot. "I know! My dear Xiehan, I know a perfect method to pin down any woman. Whether she's a moe and cute angel or a wild kitty, she will be all yours in a snap."

Hearing this, Ji Xiehan's attention was piqued. "What?"

Jiang Xingyu laughed like an evil monster. "Don't be too fast. What's in it for me, eh? I'm a businessman after all."

Ji Xiehan almost puked blood in fury. What kind of sh*tty friends were these? One was a dumb fool who just wouldn't shut up while for the other one, business was everything. He would ask for profit even when breaking a piece of news. What insane duo was this?

Through gritted teeth, Ji Xiehan spat out, "The mall in Country A will be yours."

Jiang Xingyu widened his eyes in the next moment, not believing what he had just heard. The mall in Country A? That girl must be much more beautiful than he imagined. One had to know that that mall was Ji Xiehan's own sweat and blood. He had spent great effort constructing it when he was just a young man many years ago. He could give it up for a girl?

Wait, to be exact, he was giving it up so he would be given advice on how to chase her. Just what goddess was she?

"Ahem... let go of my shirt first."

Ji Xiehan let go as though that shirt had been forced into his hands in the first place. "Speak. Li Lanni won't be single forever." Heaven knew she was so beautiful that many men must be trying to chase her. He didn't want to be too late.

Jiang Xingyu didn't know her, while Lin Jian's mouth dropped open. "Eh? Li Lanni, that little girl who used to hang out with your sister in the past? No wonder you got scolded as a pervert. How is that girl even legal yet?

But thinking about it, she's quite cute. I would have chased her already if she wasn't too young."

Ji Xiehan: "..."

If someone didn't shut this fool up, he would send him to hell with a kick.

"Eh, Xiehan likes a minor? That's illegal." Jiang Xingyu looked scared. He wasn't surprised that Lin Jian knew the girl Ji Xiehan had taken a fancy to. It would in fact be extremely strange if he didn't know her. He looked at Ji Xiehan accusingly. Was his friend a pedophile?

"Who is in love with a minor? She's an adult!" He glared at Lin Jian. "Even if you had a mouth multiple times bigger than your brain, it shouldn't be like this, right?"

"Forget it. I was wrong. Jiang, tell us what you have in mind."


~Jiang Xingyu's wife-chasing class~

"Chasing a woman and making sure she is yours can only be summarised into one word - marriage.

Don't glare at me yet. I'm not done. If you cannot manage to chase her, there's another method. You can...



Blah blah blah.


One hour later.

By the time Jiang Xingyu was done, Lin Jian was on the verge of falling asleep. "Jeez... how do you manage to talk for so long? You made it sound like a real class."

Jiang Xingyu looked smug. "So what if I talked for too long? That Country A mall is totally worth it." wiping off his imaginary sweat from his forehead, he looked at Ji Xiehan like a kid asking for candy. "So, when do I get to check on my mall?"

Ji Xiehan looked down on him like an idiot. "What mall?"

Jiang Xingyu: "Just now, you promised to give me that mall in Country A if I teach you to chase your wife. I've accomplished my mission, haven't I?"

Ji Xiehan's lips curled into an indifferent smirk. "Is that so? I did say it would be yours. But when did I say that I would give it to you as a reward for helping me chase my wife?"

"What? You! You are going back on your word."

Ji Xiehan: "Is that so? I recorded our conversation just now. Listen to it and let me know when you hear the part where I said that I was exchanging it for this favor."

Jiang Xingyu wanted to explode. This man had played him. "You... you!"

He couldn't speak and could only keep spitting a succession of 'you's.

"Are you done? Actually, I will not be too harsh to you because we are friends. Wouldn't I be slapping your face if I didn't honor my promise?"

Jiang Xingyu brightened up when he heard this. However in the next moment, "I will let you have that mall if you work hard enough and manage to acquire it."