Our boss wants you dead

As soon as Li Lanni left school, she told her mother that she would be late, using the library as an excuse.

When she was sure that none of her bodyguards was around, she went to the military hospital in the North District. Perhaps she would remember something if she saw that guy, Senior Yang.

However, they wouldn't let her in no matter what. The fact that she only knew that man's surname and didn't know his first name didn't make things any easier.

Never mind. She would ask Cheng Yu about it the next day.

'Strange… I feel like I'm being followed.' She thought as she left the North District. To avoid getting questioned by Li Yuming, she had taken a cab.

No one knew her whereabouts. Why did she feel like she was being stalked? The last time she felt this way, she was being followed by that pervert from the Ji family. She couldn't just ignore the feeling and pass it off as being paranoid.

'What to do… should I take a rougher path and ambush him?'

Soon she dropped this thought. She didn't know anything about her strength and self defense skills. What if it wasn't just one person? If it was a group, she would be outnumbered in case they meant to harm her.

She could only hail a cab, hoping whoever it was would give up.


At the same time, Mrs. Ji called Ji Xiehan home with a sense of exigency.

"Mother, what happened?" He rushed over immediately.

Mrs. Ji didn't look like anything was wrong. In fact, she was in a joyous mood.

In the living room, a middle aged woman sat on the sofa as though waiting for something, her daughter closely beside her.

Those who didn't know would think they were here for a marriage negotiation.

"Xiehan, this is Mrs. Gu and this is her daughter, Tianxi. She used to come over and play with you when you were kids."

Ji Xiehan was annoyed. When he received her call, he was on his way to see his little beauty. Of course he would be annoyed. "Is this why you called me?"

Mrs. Ji grabbed his hand. "Xiehan, don't be so mean. Say hi to Tianxi."

Her intention couldn't be any more obvious. She had brought a woman home so she could introduce them?

"Mother, I already told you. I'm only interested in one woman. I will find her and make her my wife."

Mrs. Ji felt embarrassed. How could he simply say it in the presence of Mrs. Gu and her daughter? Mrs. Gu was her friend, if her on was rude to Mrs. Gu's daughter, it might not turn out well. "Son, don't be stubborn. I only asked you to say hi to Tianxi. I didn't say 'say hi so you may become husband and wife'."

Ji Xiehan reluctantly shook hands with her just to save his mother face. "If there's nothing else, I have other things to do."

"What's the rush for? Tianxi just came back from overseas. You should show her around."

Ji Xiehan gave his mother a glance she had never seen from him. She could trace anger from his eyes. It made her feel chills down her back. "Alright, go ahead and do your thing. It's just showing Tianxi around. Do you have to look like you are being forced to give away your heart?"

Ji Xiehan remained silent. Not only are you trying to force me into giving away my heart, soon I might have to give away my body as well.

At this moment, Ji Feifei returned from school. Mrs. Ji found a way out of this. "Feifei you are back. Why don't you show Tianxi around? She just came back from overseas and some places seem unfamiliar to her."

Ji Feifei looked at Gu Tianxi then at Ji Xiehan. She could guess what had happened at a glance. She smiled, hiding her wickedness. "Sure. Sis Tianxi, a really cool store has been opened recently. Coincidentally, all their sales for today are discounted. We could get some really nice outfits there."

Gu Tianxi was displeased by Ji Xiehan's unwillingness to spend time with her. However, she could only go with the flow. To get to a man's heart, one had to treat his family well.

Don't get her wrong. She was not in love with Ji Xiehan. All she wanted was the wealth in the Ji family. Before marrying him, she would make him sign a contract with terms stating that if they ever divorced, half of his property in the Ji family would be hers as alimony. It would be nice if she were to get all of it but that was impossible. Still, he was the only son of the Ji family. He should have lots of wealth in his name. Half of it was was good too. She would make sure to divorce him within the first year.

"Let's go then." She said to Ji Feifei.

Ji Feifei took an extra card with her and left.

Since they had gone out, Ji Xiehan had no more business at home. He went to look for his little beauty.

According to Qiao Luna, she had started going to school. He should be able to find her in B City University.

Actually, it would be easy if he simply told his sister to help him out since Ji Feifei was in B City University as well. For some reason however, he couldn't bring himself to trust Ji Feifei no matter what. He had always had a bad feeling about her and it had gotten stronger lately.

He drove off to B City University.


Li Lanni's uneasiness grew wilder by the second.

She had been observing a red car that was behind them. It had followed them for a while and when she was about to conclude that they were being followed, it went in the opposite direction when they reached a crossroads.

Just a few seconds later, another car appeared, this time it was a black one. After following for a while, it also disappeared, only for a white one to start doing what the previous ones had been doing.

Li Lanni got worried. Who were they, and what did they want? She deduced that if there were more, they would soon surround them.

Was the only option calling her bodyguards? That would make it known to her mother that she had left school on her own and gone to the military hospital. However, a little scolding wouldn't take her life. These thugs would.

Alas, she didn't have the time to call her bodyguards because it was right at this time that they got surrounded.

In the next moment, a gang of four heavily built men left those cars.

"We want the girl. You can leave." One of them said, obviously speaking to the cab driver.

"They are rude." Li Lanni mumbled.

As expected, the cab driver ran for his life at such a moment. He wouldn't get into trouble with an unknown gang because of a girl he didn't know. Though it was such a pity. This girl looked like a nice child.

Never mind. It was none of his business.

"What do you want?" Li Lanni asked softly.

"Nothing much. Our boss wants your life."

Li Lanni opened the zipper of her bag, held it tightly and left the car slowly. She didn't have anything to use to defend herself. Even if she did, these men looked too difficult for a normal person to handle, much less a little girl like herself.

"Tsk… how beautiful. No wonder boss doesn't want her alive."

"Don't be fooled by her beauty. Now, act fast. Boss wants the results soon."

Li Lanni wondered just who it was that wanted her dead.

"Little girl, you can be rest assured that it will not be painful. I will shoot you right through the brain."

"Are you crazy? We should torture her. She is quite lucky that boss didn't order us to play with her. It would be quite fun."

The first man knocked the second's leg. "Are you human? How do you have the heart to defile such a cutie?"

Li Lanni had an idea. She looked down and bit her lip, looking quite pitiful. "Can you… can you please give me a chance to live? I will not interfere with your boss."


Li Lanni blinked the tears she had gathered just now and made them roll down her cheeks in a pair of thin trails. "Please. My mommy doesn't have anyone on her side but me. If you kill me, she will be on her own. Boohoohoo…"

"Well, this…"

Li Lanni used the chance when the others were confused too. When no one expected it, they all felt their eyes sting.

"Eh? Ahh My eyes!"

Li Lanni ran away after successfully spraying their eyes with perfume.

"That little thing! Catch her! I will skin her alive."

"Oh no…" She had provoked all the anger in them.