Getting on the elders' good side

Before their eyes stopped stinging, she had to find somewhere to hide or get help. Li Lanni used up all the strength she could muster to run as fast as she could.

These thugs had probably undergone all kinds of torture because it was not long before they started catching up.

Li Lanni was out of strength. Her legs hurt from suddenly running too fast.

Was she going to die here today? But she didn't even know the person who was trying to kill her. She didn't know what her dreams were yet. She didn't know the truth about her accident either.

She couldn't die… she still had many things to accomplish.

Her legs suddenly gave way. There was nothing she could do about it. She was too tired to go on. Just as she fell to the ground, a car entered her line of vision.

Such a luxurious car… its owner had to be someone rich and powerful. Wasn't this La Voiture Noire?

Seeing a new ray of hope, Li Lanni got to her feet and stood in the middle of the road. The driver would have to stop no matter what.

"Haha! Little thing, I got you." Li Lanni could hear the tormenting voice in her ears. They were almost here. Just a few meters away.

"Do you think you can run away after spraying our eyes? We were previously going to kill you painlessly but now, we will use the most torturous methods.

Inside the car.

"Master Ji, a girl suddenly stood in the middle of the road. She seems to be in trouble. Should I ignore her?" lately, there were many robbery cases happening this way. People would pretend to be in trouble only to rob the person who helped them. It was not an uncommon scene.

Ji Xiehan looked up from his laptop with a frown. When he saw the girl he was looking for…

"Stop! Can't you see she's being followed?"

He jumped out as soon as the car stopped. "Are you alright?"

Li Lanni recognized this face. It was the white-haired pervert. However, she didn't resist when he carried her to the car. It wasn't like she had the strength to resist even if she wanted to.

"You! Don't get yourself into trouble. Leave that girl to us." A furious gangster couldn't take it. They had painstakingly followed this little girl and just when they were about to catch her, a man pops out of nowhere and carries her to his car?

"Idiot." Another hooligan kicked his leg. "Has the perfume completely blinded your eyes? That's la voiture noire."

"So what? Its owner can only be at most a spoilt rich young master. What can he do?"

"Tch. Is that so?" Ji Xiehan smirked coldly. "I can do this."

Two minutes later, the four of them lay with their stomachs flat on the ground, in a sorry state.

"Elder brother, we were wrong. We failed to recognize greatness."

"Elder brother, please forgive us."

"Grandfather, no, great grandfather! Please let us off this once." One of them grabbed his shoe to beg for mercy.

"Annoying!" Ji Xiehan kicked him in his stomach. The man rolled away in pain.

"Who sent you?"

"We don't know! The boss only wanted the little pretty miss dead. She communicated with us using different public telephones and left the money in an abandoned warehouse for us to pick."

Ji Xiehan kicked him in the face. Of what use was such information?

"Take care of them." He said to his chauffeur and the bodyguard who was sitting in the shotgun seat.

Earlier, they had tactfully made arrangements to have the road blocked so no cars would be passing here for a while.

Ji Xiehan sat in the driver's seat and grinned at the two men. "Have fun."

The chauffeur looked at the bodyguard. "Does fun… include killing them?"

The bodyguard was tempted to do this as well. "I don't think so. Master Ji has no blood in his hands. I don't think he would want to get some because of a little girl he just saved."

"Is that so… then if we beat them black and blue and leave them on the verge of death, that's not considered murder, right?"

Ji Xiehan drove to hospital. The girl in his back seat was asleep. He wanted her to get a check up, perhaps she was hurt by those men before she managed to escape. Her legs looked weak too. She might have run too much and got them swollen.

When the doctor was done running tests, he looked at Ji Xiehan. "She has not ingested anything harmful and aside from a few blisters and scratches on her legs, there are no other injuries. She will need to rest and not move about too much for two days."


"Do we need to contact her family?" From the looks of it, the girl must have been a victim of kidnap for the man to ask about such particular things.

"No need. I will take her home."


In the Li mansion, all the bodyguards had their heads hung low.

Mark was the most remorseful. "Madam, it was negligence on my part. I did not protect the young miss."

"Of what use is your apology? Find my daughter right away!" Li Yuming was so furious that her eyes almost exploded into flames. She had hired these people to protect her Lanni. What was their use if Lanni could sneakily go places on her own? Why was she not back yet? What if something happened to her? She had already sent a group of experts to track her.

"Madam, miss is back." A servant reported, his happiness boundless. They were finally going to be relieved of a death sentence.

"Lanni? Where?"

"Outside. She is in the company of a man. He is quite handsome."

Li Yuming was already on her way out and didn't hear the servant's answer.

"You! Why are you holding my Lanni? What did you do to her?" Li Yuming at this point wouldn't care who Ji Xiehan was. If he hurt her daughter, she would directly kill him.

Ji Xiehan wordlessly carried Li Lanni into the house and put her carefully on the sofa. Only then did he speak. "Aunty, if I did anything to hurt Lanni, do you think I would have the courage to bring her home?"

Li Yuming calmed down a little. He made sense. That wouldn't be any different from committing murder and remaining in the crime scene for the police to catch you there. "What happened?"

"She was being followed. She is still not speaking or reacting to anything because she is still scared." He narrated what had happened from what he made out of the situation he witnessed.

"This child… did she lose her IQ along with her memory? She knows that it is not safe but she still went to such a place on her own. It is all thanks to you this time."

Ji Xiehan thought of something and a smile slowly crept onto his lips. He restrained it by coughing.

~Jiang Xingyu's wife chasing class~

"If gifts don't work, be the hero that saves the beauty. Remember to be sincere and don't ask her to be your girlfriend as compensation right away. Girls hate men who take advantage of them.

Second step, get on the good side with the elders. They might help you in future."


Ji Xiehan took a last glance at Li Lanni then turned to Li Yuming. "Aunty, I still have business to take care of. I will head out first."

"Ah? You are not staying for dinner?"

Bingo! Ji Xiehan, you just got on the elder's good side after playing the hero that saves the beauty.

"I would like to, but I really have a lot of work to do."

This way, he was creating an opportunity to be invited by Li Yuming again. It would give him another chance to see Lanni.

Li Yuming didn't force him to stay. "Child, I really don't know how to repay you. If you were not there on time, my Lanni might have lost her life."

Ji Xiehan smiled charmingly. "Aunty, you don't have to feel indebted to me. I wouldn't possibly sit back and watch an innocent person getting killed. I would have done it for anyone."

Li Yuming was even more pleased by his modesty. "You are such a kind young man. You are from the Ji family, right? May I ask if you have a girlfriend?"

Ji Xiehan chocked on his own saliva.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. No, I don't have a girlfriend."

"What do you think…"

"Mom!" Li Lanni finally spoke for the first time since she was rescued.

"Lanni, you're finally back to your senses. This handsome man saved you. You should thank him."

Li Lanni's eyes widened. "It's enough to thank him. Have you forgotten that he is the white-haired pervert who kidnapped me?"