The big fish is hooked. Time to rile in

She couldn't believe that her mother was so easily swayed by good looks and flowery words.

Li Yuming took a good glance at Ji Xiehan who was about to pass out from tension. She scanned him like a robot before shrugging her shoulders. "Lanni, are you overthinking something? Xiehan doesn't look like that kind of person to me. He is, on the contrary, very polite and kind. He wouldn't hurt a fly."

Li Lanni glanced at the white haired pervert who supposedly wouldn't hurt a fly. No wonder he was a negotiation expert. That was one glib tongue.

"Aunty, what were you saying just now? Did you want to introduce me to a girl? I would really appreciate it. My parents just won't stop nagging me to get a wife. In fact, they have made sure everyone working close to my office is a woman."

Li Yuming widened her eyes. "But you are so handsome. How come you can't get a woman?"

Li Lanni was about to die from fury. What were these two up to? She glared at Ji Xiehan furiously. "You kidnapped me, and now you saved me from those men. We are now even, right?"

Ji Xiehan didn't want to start an argument with her. "Yeah. I'll be on my way now."


In her room that night, Li Lanni took out her phone. How could she forget to get Cheng Yu's contact number?

She would have asked her about Senior Yang's details. Today, it was rather unfortunate that she had to be sent off. She really wanted to meet that man who was supposedly her boyfriend as well as Ji Feifei's partner in crime. Would he be the same man from her memory?

On the other hand, she also wanted to know just how it was possible that someone knew her whereabouts and even managed to orchestrate her murder.

Could it be that someone else knew that she was going to the military hospital? Or was it that she was always being followed by those people and they only got a chance when she was on her own?

Wait, the second possibility would be strange. Her bodyguards would definiyely find out if someone was trying to stalk her.

Thinking about it on her own, they said that their boss wanted her dead because she was beautiful. Logically, their boss was a woman. If it was a man, he would want to own her for her beauty - not kill her.

The only women she was associated with were three: Li Yuming, Cheng Yu and Ji Feifei.

Her mother was out of question and Ji Feifei didn't know her whereabouts. Was the culprit Cheng Yu, then?


"What do you mean she was saved?! Did I hire you to howl and do nothing?" Ji Feifei roared into a phone she rarely used. It was exclusively for this purpose.

"Missy, we don't know who the man is either. He beat us black and blue. You have to compensate us for being badly wounded."

Ji Feifei sneered. "In your freaking dreams! If you can't do anything right, why the f*ck did I hire you? Yet you even want me to pay you?"

"We didn't disclose the contact numebr you use to speak to us or the bank account you use to send us money no matter what. We made up a story about you using public telephones and leaving the money in an abandoned warehouse. At least you should be grateful for that, right?"

Ji Feifei bit her lip. "Okay. But since you didn't manage to kill that b*tch or at least harm her, I will only give you twenty percent of the agreed amount."

The man was overjoyed. Twenty percent was two million. It was worth the beating especially since they had nothing in their wallets. As a result, he said something additional to Ji Feifei. "The man who saved her owned La Voiture Noire. He had silvery white hair and possessed the aura of nobility. He must be the legendary Master Ji from the Ji family."

Ji Feifei clenched her fist so tightly it coukd break. "Ji Xiehan. Ji Xiehan again. Just why would he save that sl*t?"


It was already late at night. However, Ji Feifei didn't mind going to Ji Xiehan's room.

"Brother, you were not here for dinner. I thought you must be hungry so I brought you some dessert."

Ji Xiehan didn't spare her a glance. "Get out."

Ji Feifei didn't budge. She took a deep breath and went even closer to him. "Brother, are you not going to help me do my homework?"

"Why don't you get a home schooling tutor to help you?"

Ji Feifei looked wronged. "Why are you always so mean to me? Mom!"

Ji Xiehan really wanted to strangle her. He shouldn't have come to the Ji household tonight. He should have gone to his own mansion. This woman seemed to really take pleasure in angering him. He wanted nothing more than to strangle her to death. "Fine. I'll teach you." He sighed. He would only start an argument with his parents if she told on him.

Happy, she brought her maths homework to the study and called him.

"What do you find difficult?"

"Everything. Can you teach me everything?"

Ji Xiehan sighed about her stupidity but taught her anyway.

Halfway through, her phone chimed. It was right on top of the desk, within Ji Xiehan's vicinity.

Nothing was out of place except... her screen saver was a picture of Lanni!

That was still okay. However, Li Lanni seemed to be speaking cheerfully to another man. They were even holding hands.

His curiosity would obviously be piqued. "That's your friend?"

Ji Feifei secretly smiled wickedly. The big fish has been hooked. Time to rile in the net.

She took her phone innocently. "This pretty girl? She is my best friend as well as my classmate. In fact, you might know her mother since she used to be close to our family in the past."

She continued rattling on 'casually'. "The guy in the picture is her ex-boyfriend. He loved her so much but she..." She left the remaining part for Ji Xiehan's imagination to run wild.

"Sigh. We can't predict what happens in love, can we?"

Ji Xiehan was obviously interested. "If she is of the same age as you, she must have been too young to date when in her first relationship. How about now?"

Ji Feifei was even more irritated. So he was really interested in Li Lanni. That lecherous sl*t! Just what did she do to seduce Ji Xiehan? However, it wouldn't last long because she was just about to shatter it into pieces. "Right now... I don't know for sure. I see her hanging around with a senior from art class, but at the same time she is close to another senior from music class. She's the school beauty after all so very many guys will want to be with her."

Deliberately, she was trying to paint a promiscuous image of Li Lanni. No man would want her if she kept many guys by her side.

As expected, Ji Xiehan's expression darkened.

Ji Feifei pretended to snap. "Oh! I spoke too much just now. Anyway brother, why would you be asking so much about my friend? Don't tell me you're interested in her? If so, I will help you pass a message."

Ji Xiehan looked disgusted. "No! Get out of my sight right now."

Ji Feifei took her books and left with a smug look. Who said she was here to do homework? She didn't have a tinge of interest in school. Of course, she was here to tarnish Li Lanni's reputation in Ji Xiehan's mind. That was why she had not kept her phone in her pocket or left it in her room because she was going to do her homework. She had instead displayed it right on the desk where he could easily see it.


As soon as Ji Feifei left, Ji Xiehan's mouth twitched. "Tch. Lanni sure has terrible friends." What kind of friend would soil her friend's reputation that much?


Unless Ji Feifei was only pretending to be Lanni's friend when she actually hated her. It did sound like something a pretentious woman like Ji Feifei would do.

He took out his phone and gave Qiao Luna a call.

Qiao Luna must have been woken up by his phone call. She sounded groggy. "Hello boss."

Ji Xiehan realized just what time it was when she picked the call. He couldn't turn it back so he just spoke. "Have someone track Ji Feifei's every move." He felt she was up to something not-so-good.

"Got it boss." Qiao Luna answered. "I'll do it right away."

Though she wondered, my dear boss, if people were to see what time you called me, wouldn't they misunderstand your intentions? For the sake of that girl you are chasing, can you not call me so late at night?