Will I be expelled?

The next day, Li Lanni was still a little unwell so Li Yuming wouldn't let her go to school.

She could only go two days after. As soon as she arrived, she had a feeling everyone was giving her a weird look.

She ignored them and went over to Cheng Yu. "Is something the matter? Why is everyone giving me weird looks?"

Cheng Yu looked like she was struggling to say it. "Lanni, don't pay attention to the rumors. They will die down soon and I know that you are not that kind of girl."

"Okay, I will not pay attention to it. But at least tell me what they are talking about?"

Cheng Yu had no choice. "They say you are a kept mistress."


Cheng Yu knew that the matter would blow up any instant, so she may as well tell her right now to prepare her since she may be summoned by the school heads later. "They say that not only are you a mistress, the man who is keeping you is a senior professor in this university. And... he even has a wife."

The news claimed that she had returned to school despite her amnesia. Since she couldn't remember anything she learnt clearly, she was counting on that professor to pull strings and give her good grades.

"How shameless."

"I can't believe I'm in the same school as such rubbish." The students cursed angrily, not caring that she was within their earshot.

"She only just came back to school for one day but she has taken three days off after that. Isn't she just relying on the fact that she has seduced a professor?"

"Heh..." Li Lanni tittered. She turned to face the students who were blatantly scorching her with their accusing eyes and cursing her.

"So what if I'm in a relationship with my professor? It's because I'm so beautiful that he can't keep his eyes off me, isn't that so?"


The other students were shocked.

"She dared to admit it. How shameless!" A girl with a pixie cut gritted her teeth.

Li Lanni crossed her arms against her chest. "If I denied it, you would curse me all day. Isn't it better to admit it?" She glanced at the girl with a pixie cut. "What is it Miss Pixie? Could it be that you like this professor and are angry because you are jealous?"

"You!" the pixie girl was so angry she could scratch Li Lanni's face.

Another girl looked at Li Lanni like she was the most shameless person on earth. "He is a married man. He is even old enough to be your grandfather. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

Li Lanni maintained her calm. "Is he? But I like older men. What should I do?"

"You are shameless!" The girl's lungs were exploding.

Li Lanni picked her ears. Didn't they have something new to call her? They had been using the same word all this while. It was worn out already "This miss here. Since you think he is not good enough for me, how about you match make me with your father? The next time we meet, you will have to show some respect and call me 'mommy'."

"Li Lanni!"


Li Lanni left after infuriating those students. Since they were having such a good time talking about it, she would make them angry so she wouldn't be the only one feeling wronged.

When only she and Cheng Yu were remaining, she turned to the girl. "By the way, what's the name of the professor they say I'm involved with?"

"Huh?" Cheng Yu was about to faint from the sudden roller coaster. Just now, handn't she claimed to be dating that professor because she prefered older men? Now she didn't know his name? She looked at Li Lanni carefully before slowly sticking out a finger to feel her forehead.

Li Lanni grabbed her hand mid air. "Drop it. Are you gonna tell me, or should I go and ask every professor I meet if I'm his mistress?"

Cheng Yu was rendered helpless. "You didn't only lose your memory. You lost your brain altogether. Sigh, the man is professor Marcus."

Li Lanni looked blank, not understanding why her friend looked so shaken by this fact.

"Professor Marcus is said to have been in relationships with many girls from this university. He has not been fired only because there has never been any concrète proof."

Li Lanni chocked on her own saliva. She was rumored to be involved with such a man?

And it happened just soon after she returned to school? This couldn't be any more obvious.

"Ji Feifei..." she mumbled with her chest heaving.

"Lanni, did you say something?"


"Oh. I was saying, it will be harder to clear the rumors since you admitted it a moment ago." Cheng Yu looked like she wanted to knock some sense into Li Lanni's head. Can she recover her memory already?

Li Lanni smiled. "It's just proving my innocence. Where's the hard part?"


Outside the school, a black car was parked.

The man watched Li Lanni's every movement.

'It's just proving my innocence. Where's the hard part?'

"Interesting." The man caressed the girl's face on the screen.

"Boss, should I investigate the matter?" Qiao Luna asked.

"No need let her do it."

"Okay. Boss, are you going inside the school, or will you wait here until she comes out?" One had to know that it was still morning.

"I'll wait."

"But..." You still have work to do at the office.

"I want to abandon my work and wait for her all day. Do you have anything to say?"

"No, of course not. I have absolutely nothing to say." Qiao Luna adjusted her glasses. How come no one told her that being Ji Xiehan's assistant was this difficult?


Meanwhile, Li Lanni went to class.

Perhaps no one else found it strange, but she shared all her classes with Ji Feifei.

Was it a coïncidence, or did Ji Feifei do this so they would be stuck together?

She had learnt one fact since she woke up from coma : the person closest to you possessed the capability to hurt you the most.

So this was Ji Feifei's strategy. Being close to her so she would hurt her?

She was now pretty sure that it was Ji Feifei who sent people to kill her when she went to the North District. She didn't know how Ji Feifei knew where she was going, and she didn't have any evidence yet, but she would be sure to make Ji Feifei pay for everything.

"Lanni, are you alright? Don't be too sad about the rumors."

Li Lanni dramatically put her head on Ji Feifei's shoulder. "But I'm sad. Boohoo... I'm so sad that I want to jump into the river and commit suicide."

"Eh? Lanni, don't do that okay? Even if you get expelled from school, you still have me."

How could Li Lanni miss the glint in those eyes? Ji Feifei was obviously overjoyed when she mentioned that she wanted to jump into the river.

Li Lanni put up the act. "I... will I be expelled?"

"I don't know Lanni. But in the past, all the students rumored to be involved with professors were expelled. For some, it was so bad that their bad reputations were reflected in their certificates. They couldn't get jobs anywhere afterwards."

"I don't want that kind of life! I wanna get a job. Boohoo."

Ji Feifei sneered inwardly. What's the use of crying? "Lanni, I know a way to clear your name. But you will have to lay low first and let the rumors subside."

It was Li Lanni's turn to sneer inwardly. Lay low and let the rumors subside? I'm afraid you will only help me become more famous by fanning the flames and making it seem like my silent admission.

'I, Li Lanni, will not let myself be fooled. Perhaps I was that gullible in the past. But now, my inability to remember my past will not stop me from protecting myself.' she declared mentally.

"I will go to that professor's home." Li Lanni suddenly said.

"Ah? That's a stupid move." Ji Feifei feigned concern.

"Don't worry. I will have a camera on me and record our conversation. I will later use it to prove my innocence."

Ji Feifei raised her eyebrows. "Good idea. Everyone will believe you and stop making up stories about you."

As soon as Li Lanni left her side, Ji Feifei sneered. "Stupid Lanni. What kind of trick is that?"

She sent Professor Marcus a text message. [Keep yourself in a good mood today. A present will deliver itself at your doorstep this evening."

Heh, Lanni, watch me ruin you forever.

"Ah-Cho! ...

"The person cursing me must be Ji Feifei." Li Lanni mumbled.

Huh. Ji Feifei, do you really think I'd tell you what I plan to do to prove my innocence?

Of course I would be that stupid.