Tear off her pretentious mask

Li Lanni's threat proved to work. Within just five minutes, there was a new post in the school forum.

[I was wrong. I framed a student as being in an illicit relationship with a professor. I hope everyone can forgive my crimes.]

He had used a new side account and tagged Li Lanni and Professor Marcus.

"Tsk. Sly fox." Li Lanni sneered.

He wanted it to seem like a third party had framed them and just like Li Lanni, he was innocent in all this.

Li Lanni curled her lips into a cold smirk. Since you want it this way, you shall have it.


The next morning, a new piece of news erupted.

The owner of the account that had posted the previous night claiming that he had framed a student and professor had been uncovered.

His real identity had been revealed and… he was unexpectedly Professor Marcus himself.

[How shameless! He used such a cheap trick to pretend to prove his innocence.] insults erupted.

[He is a shame to all professors. This time he must be fired!]

[I'm embarrassed to be in the school where he works. That lecherous man has to be kicked out.]

Before, there wasn't any clear evidence about his affair with students. However now that he posted such a statement in the school forum, it was akin to a guilty attempt to clear his name.

Now that it had been discovered, he was more likely to slip up and show his flaws. She had already found a way to bug him. As soon as she got evidence, he would be proven guilty and fired this time.

As soon as Li Lanni got to school that morning, she realized that the gazes all around her were even more fierce than before.

She was not surprised. Although she had dealt with Professor Marcus, she was still at the base of the flame. In fact, Professor being proven guilty only dragged her into the pit along with him. Of course, Ji Feifei was the most overjoyed. Just when she was starting to worry that Li Lanni might manage to prove her innocence, Professor Marcus doomed them both.

"Don't tell my mother anything about this." Li Lanni said to her bodyguards. "If you do, I will make sure you are all fired."

"Yes Miss." They were at a loss. Master said to follow miss' orders. She also said to report to her if anything happens to miss. However, the young miss didn't want them to report that such a huge thing was happening. What order should they follow in this instance?

Forget it. Master would be informed by the school management soon.

Sigh. Working for rich families sure was hard.

Li Lanni walked to class. She didn't want her mother to worry about her, so she would have to prove her innocence on her own before the school management informed her mother of this.

"Lanni, are you alright?" Amidst all the other students, Ji Feifei put up a ' very caring friend' front and approached Li Lanni.

The latter avoided her hug. "I couldn't be better."

"You went to speak to Professor Marcus, what did he say?"

Li Lanni's expression darkened. Her tone made it sound like she was concerned, but her words proved that Li Lanni secretly went to Professor Marcus' home. She was simply pretending to be worried while fanning the flames.

Not only that, she pretended to have realized that she said something wrong. "Oh! I shouldn't have said that. Lanni, I'm sorry. You wouldn't be mad at me, right?"

Li Lanni flashed a smile. "Why would I blame you? We are friends. I downloaded a new song. It's so cool. Do you want to listen to it?"


However, Li Lanni tapped on a recording instead. Her phone was very loud and everyone heard it.

("I can't get Professor Marcus' private adress no matter how hard I search for it. What do I do, I really want to get him to clarify this matter."

Li Lanni 'realized' that she had played the wrong file. She tried to stop it but it wouldn't stop.

While she was still stalling Ji Feifei, her response came through. "I'll send you his adress right away."

Ji Feifei grabbed the phone to decrease the volume. Of course she remembered the conversation from the previous day. It wouldn't be nice if other people knew she could contact that old fart. Li Lanni was dumb, but not everyone was.

However, the volume functions were not working either.

"Thank you Feifei, you are a life saver. Do you have his contact number as well?"

"I do. Be careful, okay?")

Just when the recording ended, the volume button finally funtioned.

But what was the use? It had failed at the worst time. Everyone heard the conversation. It would still be alright if it was just a voice similar to hers. She would have bluffed it out. However, they even heard the girl call her Feifei.

Silence filled the atmosphere.

Everyone was shocked.

What did they hear? Was this an update for the rumor? Li Lanni got Professor Marcus' private adress and contact number from Ji Feifei?

What kind of joke was this? How could someone not know the contact number of the man she was in an affair with, and instead needed someone unrelated to get it for her?

Li Lanni scratched her head and drooped her eyes, biting her lips pitifully. "Feifei, I'm so sorry. I like recording all my phone conversations so I can listen to them again in case I missed important information or forgot something. I didn't know it would be like this."

Ji Feifei wanted to tear her apart. Dumb girl! How dare she?!

Li Lanni grabbed Ji Feifei's arm. "Feifei, I really didn't do it on purpose. I... I don't know what happened to my phone just now."

"Shut up!" Ji Feifei roared.

Li Lanni left the scene, leaving Ji Feifei in the limelight.

Cheng Yu couldn't waste such a golden opportunity. "I think It's normal for someone to want to look for a contact number if she wants to prove her innocence. However, how come Ji Feifei has Professor Marcus' private adress and contact number?"

Ji Feifei clenched her fists. "Nonsense! I only helped her look for it yesterday."

Cheng Yu crossed her arms. "But That's not what I heard from the recording just now. You said that you had it and would send it to her right after the call. Could it be... that you have been to Professor Marcus' home before?"

Ji Feifei couldn't be any more irked. Was this little girl asking for a beating? "I have been there before but so what? I only went for class related matters."

Cheng Yu held her chin between her thumb and index fingers, giggling. "But just now, you said that you didn't know his adress and only helped her find it. Miss Ji, if you were only there for class related matters, why would you lie about not being there before?"

Thanks to their love of gossip, the students's opinions were easily swayed. This time was no different.

In fact, they swayed even faster since this was a matter of more gravity. They all thought Cheng Yu made sense.

"Are you saying that I have something to do with him?"Ji Feifei was losing it. She really wanted to rip Cheng Yu's mouth apart. However, her father had warned her. If she caused any trouble in school, she would be punished severely.

She could only calm down for now.

Cheng Yu wouldn't be satisfied if she didn't provoke the devil out of her. "Who knows? Perhaps you are the true mistress he is keeping and you only used Lanni to cover up for yourself when someone discovered it?

Ji Feifei, you always claim that Lanni is your best friend. Is this what best friends do?"

"You sl*t shut up! You are spewing nonsense! I will rip you apart if you say one more word."

Cheng Yu didn't speak anymore. She didn't need to. All she wanted was to rip the 'gentle and reserved' mask off Ji Feifei's pretentious face.

Eveyone had seen her curse and hurl insults like a shrew. It was enough for now. The rest should be left for Lanni to handle.

She took her phone. "Lanni just posted something in the school forum."

[I will prove my innocence in twenty four hours. Not only that, I will also prove that I don't need to use underhanded methods to pass any school test. The end-year examinations will be in two months.]

Her point was clear. She would score good grades in that examination and prove that she didn't need to have affairs to do it.

Li Lanni was in the school library. Two months wasn't much time, but it was enough for her.

She had studied before so despite not having ant recollection of it, she would remember the things she had learnt before as soon as she read through them.

Speaking of which, what had happened to her phone? She was planning to pretend that it wasn't working but just now, it had really stopped working! Had it been hacked?