Their names were cleared

That was scary- who would suddenly hack into her phone?

She would deal with that later.

At the moment, she had something more important to do.


Just in like with Li Lanni's prediction, Ji Feifei sobbed her way to Professor Marcus' home. She had known that man long enough to know when his wife was home and when she was not.

As soon as she arrived, she threw herself into his arms. Although she was just a young student attending university, she looked nothing like one. She had altered her university uniform to be so short that one didn't need to spend a lot of effort to see her nudity. Paired with the thick make up and vibrant red lipstick, she would doubtlessly pass off as an escort.

Her mannerisms were even more seductive. She threw herself into Professor Marcus' arms- though she knew that she was doing this to a married man. "Professor, that Li Lanni bullied me today. You must make her suffer." her pouty expression was nothing in sync with her dressing.

Professor Marcus patted her backside with his chubby hand. "As you wish. I will make her unable to ever score a good grade as long as she is in B City University."

Ji Feifei wiped away her crocodile tears, trying hard to bear with the man's lecherous moves. 'Damn old fart. I will destroy you next once you help me get rid of Li Lanni'. But that was not what came out of her mouth. "Thank you professor, I knew you dote on me the most."

Professor Marcus was not all that pleased, though.

Because of this girl, he had been exposed.

He had been very willing to frame Li Lanni because she was such a beauty. Faced with such an innocent looking cutie, who wouldn't want to have a taste of her?Not to mention, he actually had feelings for her.

Heaven knew he would give an arm and a leg if it would make her say yes to his advances.

. However, Ji Feifei had promised him that he would have her but he didn't see a wasp of her hair. All he recieved instead was a bad reputation. He was still working out a way to clear his name. He had been having a hide time ensuring by all means that his wife didn't get wind of the matter. If she did, all he had done would be in vain.

But, he could only keep calm for now. Ji Feifei was after all from the Ji family. She could make his life hell if she wanted to.

On the bright side, he was earning money from it! Getting involved in a deal that benefitted him no matter how one looked at it, and earning money on top of it all. The best part was the thrill of it - who would say no?

Besides, she was not too bad either. She was pretty and slutty - just the way he liked his girls.

"Professor, for this end year exam, I want Li Lanni to score the lowest grades in every subject."

The professor glanced at her breasts lustfully. "Sure. I will do that for my beauty. But why do you hate her so much?"

"I just hate her. Can't I?"

Professor Marcus laughed evilly. "Since That's what you want and she dared to cause trouble for me, I shall do it your way."

Ji Feifei was overjoyed.


The next day, the events that unfolded were completely contrary to Li Lanni's expectations.

She did not recieve news about Professor Marcus' dismissal. Instead, it was a clarification that the whole matter was a misunderstanding.

The good news was that her name had been cleared of the stain.

While the bad news on the other hand, was that Professor Marcus's name had been cleared as well. The claim was that someone had framed Professor Marcus and even faked an ip adress to make it more realistic.

Li Lanni furrowed her eyebrows. "Who the hell judged this matter? Are they blind or are they outright stupid?" How was this being framed? That man had been reportedly involved with many girls.

She in fact didn't care that much aboout her own case because it was just a little soil to her name. But what about those other girls?

What about the innocent girls who he had reportedly forced himself on?

"This won't do. I will find justice no matter what." She declared.

Cheng Yu held her shoulders, looking terrified. "Lanni, as long as you are not being scolded anymore and no one is pursuing you, you should let it go. This matter is complicated. He might have bribed the higher-ups. You should consider yourself lucky that your name has been cleared to begin with."

Li Lanni was even more irked. Her name had been cleared? That was such an exaggerated statement. She knew that Ji Feifei must have tried to make it seem like she was the seductress by all means. She had only been found innocent because there was no sufficient evidence to prove her guilt. "And that's exactly why I must bring the truth to light. Someone is supporting this beast behind the scenes and I know who they are. I can't believe such a person exists in this world. Tsk, some families need to take better care of their children.

Cheng Yu understood the implication of her words. She was saying that Ji Feifei was the one behind this turn of events.

This was even more dangerous. "Lanni, you should stop when you can. Your name has already been more or less cleared out of this matter."

Li Lanni glared at her. "You said this a moment ago and now you are saying it again. What are you, a repeater?"

"It is a serious matter. That's why I will not let you do it."

Li Lanni scoffed with her arms crossed against her chest. "You should know, the more you don't want me to do it, the more I want to. I will not leave any stone unturned until I bring the truth to light."

Her expression exuded of determination.


At the same time, Qiao Luna trembled as she entered Ji Xiehan's office. She had been instructed to report eberything about Li Lanni to her boss.

"Boss, Miss Li Lanni seems to be facing problems in school."


"There was a scandal about her and a professor. The scandal has been cleared today."

Ji Feifei furrowed his eyebrows. "If the scandal has been cleared, why are you telling me?"

"Well..." Qiao Luna was terrified.

"The next time anything happens to Lanni, you must tell me as soon as it happens."

"Yes boss."