Her personality was still intact

Meanwhile, Li Lanni held her chin in thought for a while before sitting right back down, opposite Cheng Yu. She pushed her bag aside and placed both of her hands on the table, looking at Cheng Yu right in the eye.

For some reason, Cheng Yu felt chills run down her spine. This kind of look... why did it feel like it bode disaster?

"Cheng Yu, I don't have any recollection of you." The girl finally spoke after agonizing her friend with the eerie silent gaze.

Cheng Yu was stunned and her heart suddenly thumped against her chest, making her almost unable to breath. "What do you mean?" Was she starting to suspect her motive of getting close to her?

While she was starting to look for a reasonable excuse, Li Lanni spoke again. "But I have decided to trust you."


What a turn of events. It was about trust now? And Li Lanni even said that she trusted her?

Purely out of curiosity, Cheng Yu ran a hand at the back of her neck, her lips curving into a tiny smile. "How... how could you trust me? You don't know me that well considering you don't remember most of your past; and I was not part of that past to begin with."

"Heh. What do I need the past for? I trust you and that's it. What, do you want to sell me off? In that case, how about I help you count the spoils?"

Although her words sounded very indifferent, that wasn't the feeling reciprocated in her heart.

She was scared. She was afraid anyone would hurt her, so she didn't truly trust anyone.

She only said this to Cheng Yu for a reason.

This girl had started clinging onto her when she returned to school.

Li Lanni didn't know her true intention but she wasn't too guarded against her.

Since she didn't know who this girl was before she lost her memory, she could only rely on her instinct.

And her instinct told her that Cheng Yu wasn't too harmful. Even if she happened to habor ill intentions, Li Lanni would find out soon.

"Do you trust me?" she suddenly asked.

"I do." The startled Cheng Yu responded.

"Good. I don't know who else can help me with this, so I came to find you instead." After the mini roller coaster, Li Lanni finally revealed her intent.

"I will help you with anything that's within legal boundaries."

"Coincidentally, I'm not one to want to do illegal things."

Cheng Yu heaved a sigh of relief. She was starting to think Li Lanni was up to causing trouble.

"Unless they are meant for the good of everyone."


"I need to get the details of all the students who have reportedly been involved with Professor Marcus. Can you help me with that?"

"You've got to stop kidding me."

"Which part of me looks like I'm kidding?"

Cheng Yu massaged her aching temples. This girl was a piece of work.

She knew full well that if she didn't deliver the student details, Li Lanni would go all out to find them on her own, and the amount of trouble she would cause along the way would depend solely on luck.

Haiz... the accident only made her lose her memory, but her personality was intact.

"Let's have lunch together tomorrow."

"Okay. Thank you."

Li Lanni stood up, took her bag, slung it on her shoulder and strutted away.

Since Cheng Yu liked sticking to her so much, she may as well use her help. She would also use this chance to test her loyalty, killing two birds with one stone.


The next day at lunch hour, Li Lanni couldn't wait to go to the school cafeteria.

"Lanni, let's eat lunch together?" Ji Feifei appeared before her with one of those fake smiles plastered across her dolled up face.

Li Lanni felt nauseated. Why was this scheming devil everywhere?

Although that was what she felt, the words that left her mouth were as polite as ever. "Sorry, I'll be studying with Cheng Yu over lunch. She will teach me a thing or two."

Ji Feifei managed a smile despite her annoyance. "I can teach you too."

Li Lanni played with a lock of her long hair, looking at a loss. "I don't know... can you really teach me?"

She deliberately emphasized on 'really', making the meaning of her words obvious.

Ji Feifei was enraged. "Are you saying that my grades are bad?"

"How would I know? I lost my memory, remember?" She shrugged and walked off, leaving Ji Feifei so furious she could detonate.

How could she not know? There were few reasons for someone like Ji Feifei to be jealous of her to the point of hatred.

It was probably because of her school grades because an aristocratic family like the Ji family would obviously pay much attention to their children's academic prowess.

If she was half good, she wouldn't be so jealous and hateful.

With a sigh, Li Lanni went to the school cafeteria.

"Lanni, over here." Cheng Yu let out a restrained shout and waved her hand when she saw Li Lanni walk through the door. She was sitting at a window, where the view was nicest.

Li Lanni walked over eagerly and took a seat opposite her. "Did you bring it?"

Cheng Yu was disheartened. "When you saw me, you didn't even say hi to me. Are these files more important than our friendship?"