I was forced to say all this.

The moment Li Lanni heard those words, her brain felt like it had exploded.

What was with that tone? This was not like Jin Shanshan at all! They had only met less than five times but there was no way that girl could cry and bite her lips, acting like a damsel in distress.

Those who didn't know would think she was being forced!

The worst part was that all the professors in this meeting were people with high IQ, and they were able to tell the implication of her actions without needing anyone to explain it to them.

"What are you saying?" one of them asked, his shaggy eyebrows raising as he observed the gril who was confident a moment ago and was acting wronged in the next.

"Lanni..." Jin Shanshan clenched her fists so tightly that her knuckles cracked. "Lanni had me testify against Professor Marcus."

She looked at all of them and wanted to shut up but then continued. "She told me to say that Professor Marcus used my poor grades to take advantage of me and..."

Looking at the professors whose expressions were turning from curious to dark to worse, she fell onto her knees, bumping against the floor with a thud. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have agreed to do this kind of thing. I didn't have a choice either."

"You are saying that this is all a lie?" The dean asked, his voice revealing just how annoyed he was.

His thoughts echoed those of all the professors beside him as well as those of the onlooking students.

The so called evidence that Li Lanni to prove Professor Marcus of sexual harassment was fabricated? What?

"Tch. She actually thought she could do it?" Nina had come to watch for the amusement of it but she got a free entertainment show instead. It's not that she didn't know that Li Lanni was probably being framed, she was just amused at how addicted a certain someone was in causing trouble for herself.

"I didn't think Li Lanni would be like this. I actually thought she was telling the truth." A Bob-haired student sighed.

"I thought she was the righteous heroine bringing the truth to light." another mocked.

"Tsk. She has been in school for less than a month but she has done nothing but attract trouble every turn she takes."

"What's wrong with her? Is she addicted to seeking attention?"

In just an instant, all those so called supporters of the truth who couldn't wait to see her put the culprits in their right places were now mocking her.

They cursed her for wasting their time, wasting the professors' time and making up lies to satisfy her need for attention.

The school forum was filled with all sorts of nasty insults.

Of course, there was the smug ones. Ji Feifei snuck a glance into the conference room and her lips smugly curled into a smirk.

Huh. Lanni, that's what happens when you bite off more than you can chew.

In the next moment, she turned to the bob-haired girl from just now. "Oh goodness! I think it's a misunderstanding. Lanni wouldn't waste everyone's time just to fabricate evidence." She shrugged, revealing a helpless expression. "We all know that what she accused him of might be true. After all, the rumors have been going on for months."

The bobhaired girl was infuriated. "What do you know? Just because there are rumors means he really did it? She is clearly bluffing, yet you want to spew nonsense in the name of standing by her side. Are all first year students so naive?"

Ji Feifei amusingly narrowed her eyes. Perhaps she was one of the only people who knew this bob-haired girl's identity.

Not only was she Professor Marcus' niece, her background was not half bad. Everyone wanted to curry favor with her. She was already angered by the fact that someone was accusing her uncle. If she saw that there were still people on Li Lanni's side, she wouldn't let the matter slide.

Of course, the best outcome was for Li Lanni to be expelled. But if Li Yuming flaunted her wealth and got her back in school, it would be good if she established enmity on Li Lanni's behalf.

So what if she was a rich princess, huh? As long as everyone avoided her like a plague, she wouldn't have a day of peace in school. It might even drive her to drop out.

All while this happened, Li Lanni was in a daze. She only regained her composure after a while and looked at Jin Shanshan. "Shanshan, this is a serious setting. You cannot joke around."

As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized just how dumb she sounded.

She pinched her nose bridge helplessly, her gaze turning stern in a jiffy. "Jin Shanshan, you can eat sh*t but you cannot play people for fools. When did I force you to confess?"

In response to Li Lanni's suddenly cold demeanor, Jin Shanshan cowered in fright.

"Please help me! I'm scared." She said to no one in particular, but it made everyone believe she was under a threat.

"Little girl, you will be fine. You just need to tell us the truth. If student Li Lanni actually forced you to lie, she will not be able to hurt you." The dean promised.

Li Lanni was speechless. Although B City university had groomed many students who became famous actresses later on, Jin Shanshan was clearly a former student of art. What was up with the explosive acting skills?

"Did someone coerce you to do this?" she asked, maintaining her calm as much as she could.

"The only one who coerced me is you!" Jin Shanshan didn't bat an eyelid as she pointed a shaky finger towards Li Lanni. "I even have the script you typed out for me to use."

As soon as she said that, she produced a sheet of paper from the pocket of her jeans and passed it to the dean who was closest to her.

The man's eyes narrowed the moment he saw it. "It's really a script and it contains the statements she said just now."

Li Lanni peeked over and saw that it was typed out. Such an amateurish scheme?

"If that was written by me, why is it not in my handwriting? Anyone could have typed it out."

"Or you could have typed it out so it could be easy to shake it off if it got discovered." the dean replied in disdain.

"Heh. It's already at this point but she is still trying to shift the blame." The bob-haired girl was at it again.

"My eyes have been opened today. I didn't know there was such a troublesome student in our school."

The onlookers were still there. Of course they would be. No one would want to miss the end of such a twist.

Li Lanni ignored their curses and only had one person in her eyes. "I'm sure you already know the implication of what you are doing. It's better to stick to the truth because once the truth is revealed, you will either be safe or be regarded an accomplice.

So I will give you a last chance. Did I force you to come here and testify against professor Marcus? Did I also type out a script and give it to you?"


"Damn it. Kick her out already! What are they waiting for?" a student roared.

"Yes. It's already at this point. Whose time is she trying to waste?" another student went along, making Li Lanni want to ask just who it was that called them to watch.

Before the chancellor, whose time had been thoroughly wasted, could say anything, the girl who was the center of attention finally made a move.

"Alright." Her gaze shifted from Jin Shanshan who was being dramatic on the floor and skimmed through the audience before her hands reached into her purse. Her fingers lingered on her phone for a while before she changed her mind and fished out a thumb-sized flash drive instead.
