The truth comes to light

Li Lanni played with the flash drive in her hand, wordlessly letting everyone have the impression that she had some sort of evidence to prove her words.

When Ji Feifei saw the flash drive between Li Lanni's fingers, her eyes bulged. She ran off in the next second.

"I heard a rumor… about a girl from B City University…"

She paused to make sure she had everyone's attention. When she was satisfied by the silence that befell, she continued. "…who reported that she was being abused by a professor. But not only did the professor not pay for his crimes, the girl was blamed for seducing him and leading him on instead…"

This was a familiar rumor. As expected, some of those curious faces scrunched up into frowns.

"On the day she was punished for her 'misbehaviour', she jumped into the lake behind the school and took her own life. I wonder if it's true?"

Many people were familiar with this tale, because it had only happened a year ago. However, her version of it was distorted.

"If you are talking about the student surnamed Zhen, you are mistaken. She did take her own life, but it was because she was ashamed of herself after the truth was revealed." The dean quickly answered, trying to make this end quickly.

"Oh really." Li Lanni's hand paused in mid air.

"Why are you bringing this up anyway? Are you going to use the excuse that the dead tell no tales to pin the blame on Professor Marcus? Li Lanni, you are shameless! This student should be given a letter of expulsion right away!"

"Who said the dead tell no tales? They do tell tales. Many tales." She was disappointed that the dean didn't truly regard the students and their safety.

"May I use the equipment in this room to show you something?"

"Go on." She was granted the permission, so she connected the flash drive to the projector.

"The following video is not suitable for viewers under the age of 18. Luckily all of us here are of legal age." As soon as she said that, she played the video.

On the screen, the setting was an office. A student was having a discussion with the professor. They were the protagonist and antagonist of the new discussion that Li Lanni had just brought up; the student surnamed Zhen and Professor Marcus.

It was quite normal, but thanks to the kind of discussion that was going on, it was hard to not imagine that there was more to it.

Sure enough, halfway through the video, the professor stood up and held the student's shoulder. She didn't seem to react negatively to it but that was because it was just a pat on the shoulder.

The next time, he patted somewhere else – her backside. The girl was obviously startled and she leaped away.

At this moment, the professor chuckled and gazed at her in a way a professor shouldn't gaze at his student. "Anna Zhen, do you know how pretty you are?"

The girl walked towards the door. "Professor, thank you for guiding me. I will work hard… I should head back to class now."

He abruptly blocked her path. ,"What's so fun about class? You should spend time with me instead."

"That… Professor… I can't. I really have to go to class now." From an outsider's point of view, she was trying to reject him without offending him.

But he didn't give up. He closed in on her and – when she tried to move away – he locked the door so she couldn't leave. "Are you scared you will not be able to keep up your grades if you don't study hard? Don't worry. Books are boring. You can work hard in other areas and do even better,"

At this point, the girl was evidently trembling. She was yet to have a chance to retaliate when the lecherous man grabbed her neck and kissed her.

Even the onlookers who were watching almost retched; it was hard to imagine what the girl must have felt.

The worst was yet to come.

He paid no heed to her protests as he shoved her to the wall and did despicable deeds to her.

No one could bear watching anymore.

"I'm sorry I had to let you watch such an inhuman scene. But only this way would everyone know just what kind of beast we live with. I mean, it was bad enough that he did that; why did he have to record it as well?"

Now that Li Lanni said it, the way this video was shot made it look like a movie of some sort. The angle was good enough to record everything and considering it was not shaky in the slightest and judging from the point where it started, it could only be so if it was voluntarily recorded.

"What a beast! I can't believe there's such a beast in this world!" One of the closest onlookers had tears staining her face.

"He's even right here in our school. What a monster!"

"I don't know what to say. Poor Anna. Perhaps that's not the only time she was assaulted."

"She was so traumatized..."

Sniffles filled the atmosphere.

Even the professors took a while to react.

The beast, Professor Marcus, was still in disbelief. How did she…!"

"That's a fake video. It must be photoshopped." He finally snarled when he regained his senses, cold sweat staining his back and his seat feeling like it was full of needles pricking his butt.

"Oh, is it? In that case I would like to trouble the school to find an expert to verify it." Li Lanni was not in a hurry to deny anything. Of course it was real. It had to be, logically and considering where she found it.

"That's enough." The chancellor interrupted. His tone was so grave that some students almost scurried away.

"Professor Marcus has been dismissed of his duties."

Silence followed.

In the next moment, the students erupted.

"Just that?!"

"No way! He caused a student to take her life. Who knows how many more have suffered in his hands?"

"Call the police! This matter has to be settled legally!"

Li Lanni revealed a satisfied expression. The chancellor must have been planning to hand him over to the police after proving the authenticity of the video but since the students might riot if he did that, he would be forced to leave it to the police entirely.

At least, she was sure that professor Marcus wouldn't use his so called backing to worm his way out and lie that the video was fake.