Were you bullied?

She had expected to get actual news out of their meeting!

But nevermind. It was good enough that she had found out that there was a huge problem between the siblings.

Although she didn't get her hands on any evidence and it was such a private matter, she could at least use it to threaten Ji Feifei if that crazy girl came looking for her again.


As soon as Qiao Luna left the restaurant, she went back to Feng Ji International.

Alas, she couldn't keep her mind off Li Lanni.

Such a nice beautiful girl, she felt guilty for probing into her private life.

Never mind. It was not all up to her. She had been put up to this. Nothing to be guilty about, really.

She knocked on the door to the CEO's office and went in. "CEO Ji, Master Ji signed the files."

The middle aged man signalled for her to place them on the desk.

Qiao Luna retreated immediately after delivering them. "CEO Ji, I'll make my move then."

"Wait." The man suddenly said.

"Are there any other orders, CEO Ji?"

"You got what I told you earlier, didn't you?"

Qiao Luna maintained her calm. "Yes."

"I want results as soon as possible. I will give you one month."

Qiao Luna felt the task was impossible and wanted to protest but she sighed in the end. "Understood."

When she finally left the office, her brain felt like it had been fried.

Qiao Luna, you idiot... what did you agree to?

The CEO had actually tasked her to seduce Master Ji.

Crazy, right?

It wasn't sure what the old man was trying to achieve by sending a woman to his own son. How she wished she had the guts to tell him that his son, Ji Xiehan, already had a girl he was into. if he was worried about not having a daughter-in-law in future, his worries were unfounded.

She just didn't dare to.

Besides, she had been given such a task as seducing Ji Xiehan. Why not use this opportunity nicely?


The time flew by very past and in the blink of an eye, it was the first day of examinations.

Li Yuming personally drove Li Lanni to school, repeatedly reminding her that the exam was just a formality and she didn't have to do it if she found the questions too difficult. 

She was afraid her daughter would be disheartened. 

Only after speaking her mouth dry did she finally let her out of the car.

The first thing Li Lanni saw when she arrived in school was a small group of students talking and giggling. In the middle of the circle, a girl hung her head low. It was obvious that she was being bullied. 

That student was quite eye catching. It was not her face that attracted attention but her hair. It looked quite odd…

Upon closer inspection, the student was Cheng Yu! 

Li Lanni was as surprised as the other students. 

The girl's long hair had been styled in waves today, with insanely long bangs that covered more than half her face. The bangs at the front were shorter, while the ones at her sides covered her cheeks fully. While there might be people who would look nice with such a hairstyle, Cheng Yu's face was small so she looked strange.

Although Cheng Yu was not the type to be extravagant in her style and always chose to wear the university uniform, she was always neat and beautiful. Such a fail in style was not expected. 

As she approached, a girl with glasses sneered. "What kind of style is that? Is she trying to make us fail the exam by scaring us so early in the morning? Such an eyesore, I'm almost blinded by her!"

Li Lanni scowled. "That's mean." 

She would be unhappy even if the person being ridiculed was someone else, but the fact that it was Cheng Yu made her angrier. Although she couldn't figure out much about Cheng Yu, she had observed that the girl actually had a kind personality and wouldn't wrong anyone brainlessly. 

"Why are you speaking up for her? Isn't she just an ugly little b*tch?" The girl with glasses was unhappy about being berated. 

Li Lanni didn't want to be on bad terms with anyone but this was too much. She spoke in a rather arrogant tone, "You see… Cheng Yu has always been beautiful. It's only today that her hairstyle is a bit off… but what about you? No matter how good your hairstyle is, you will not be beautiful. Jealousy is a disease." 

Li Lanni ignored the small crowd that had riled up by her words to the point of starting to curse and shout at her She went to Cheng Yu and gave her a hug. "Are you ready to ace those exams?" 

Cheng Yu looked up at Li Lanni, her hair almost covering her eyes. While Li Lanni didn't find it a particular eyesore, she didn't find it pretty either.

"Lanni, do I look too awful?" 

Li Lanni knew that lying to her would only make her feel worse so she sighed. "What happened?" 

Cheng Yu remained silent. 

"Did someone hit you?" 

Cheng Yu didn't say a word and Li Lanni knew she had guessed right. Many people would want to hide the fact that they had been hit and covering one's face with hair was one of the most common methods. From her hairstyle, it was likely a slap. 

But wasn't she uncomfortable? 

Fine. This was the only way to cover up completely. She would have used a scarf if it was winter but it was the scorching summer. 

Li Lanni did not probe further and went to the art building, dragging Cheng Yu with her. 

"I will definitely win the art competition!" Cheng Yu suddenly declared. 

Li Lanni turned to look at her, taking in the hurt in her eyes. It was a mixture of determination and feeling wronged. "Were you bullied… did you have a disagreement with your parents?" 

As soon as her words fell, the tears that Cheng Yu had been holding back suddenly came bursting out.