Why is she here?

Li Lanni was taken aback and suddenly didn't know what to do. She had made her cry...

Luckily Cheng Yu only cried for a shirt while before she used the back of her fists to wipe her tears. She sniffled and said, "It's nothing worth worrying about, actually."

Li Lanni knew it was more than 'nothing worth worrying about'. "If you don't let it out, it might affect your performance later."

Cheng Yu frowned, gently biting her own lip before saying, "My parents don't want me to take part in anything related to art. It's even worse that I want to join the art competition this time... my mom is especially against it so we had an argument."

Li Lanni watched the girl's face, thinking that it was probably much worse than Cheng Yu made it sound. "Your relationship with your mother is not that good?"

Cheng Yu widened her eyes, 'how did you know' written all over her dumbfounded face. Did this Lanni possess some magical abilities to read minds?

Li Lanni laughed at her expression. "It wasn't that hard to figure."

Actually, it was pretty obvious.

According to the rumors circulating the school, Cheng Yu's family was quite wealthy. However, you couldn't say the same about her.

The girl would always be careful when to spend money and she would always buy things that were less costly even if what she truly wanted was the more luxurious option.

Not only that, while trying to investigate Cheng Yu for the sake of knowing if she had any ill intentions, Li Lanni had accidentally found out that Cheng Yu had a part time job.

At first she thought it was because the girl felt too idle and wanted to spend her time doing something productive but then she later found out that the girl indeed needed money for her own upkeep. She would stay in the university hostels most of the time too, although her home was quite nearby.  Li Lanni couldn't help feeling curious about it but she didn't investigate further.

However, putting that together with the extremely expensive bracelet she had wanted to buy her mother for her birthday, it didn't feel right.

Did a rich woman's daughter need to work so hard to get a birthday present? Even if she wanted to get it using her own abilities, logically she would consider how befitting the present was, not how expensive it was!

Putting all that aside, Cheng Yu would sometimes talk about her younger brother and she would look happy to do so. As for her parents, this was the second time she was mentioning them and she didn't look happy the first time either.

Of course, Li Lanni couldn't say something that would make her feel worse. she coughed and answered, "You said so just now."

Cheng Yu frowned then realized that she had indeed mentioned their argument. Was she so slow-brained today?

"Let's get into class. Any more chatting and we will be late." Cheng Yu nudged.

The first exam they had today was for art. The girls walked into their classroom.

Actually, there was still some minutes before the exam begun. Cheng Yu simply wanted to stop talking about her parents.

The girls took seats close to each other. 

The first exam was art so Li Lanni was not in the least nervous. She had drawn very few times since she woke up but she knew that she was fairly good at it. Even if she wasn't the best, she was confident that she wouldn't completely fail. 

In fact, she was not nervous about her minors either. She had been reading a lot. She seemed to remember that she had made a wager about topping the exams this time in the heat of the moment a few weeks ago. 

However, the students had long forgotten about it. It didn't matter anymore. 

"I suddenly remember something!" A girl screeched. 

The other students shot her looks of displeasure. What was she being so noisy for? 

At this moment, the commotion grew rather intense in just a few seconds. Everyone turned to look towards the back entrance to the classroom. 

Li Lanni turned to see a pair of girls boldly walk in tittering in their skyscraper heels. 

The girl on the left was Ji Feifei and on the right, a beauty with long, red hair that waved it's way to her waist. She was wearing a very short tight skirt and a silk top, looking very eye catching. 

 It was not compulsory to wear the university uniform in B City University. However, it was designed to be very unique and beautiful so most students preferred to wear it. 

However, there were some who probably didn't have such items in their closets. One of them was the girl beside Ji Feifei. 

"Ruby.... Ruby Chan..." Li Lanni was just about to ask who that was when she heard a mumble beside her. 

She turned to look at Cheng Yu, whose face had turned pale. "Who is she?" 

She didn't need Cheng Yu to answer that. 

The students had all fallen into discussion. 

"The exam this time is very important. Even Ruby came..." 

"What's so strange? Although Ruby doesn't ever come to class, she still has to do her exams, alright? If not, her family might get angry." 

"Get angry? Please... This is Ruby Chan we are talking about. Her father dotes on her like a treasure. Even if she were to officially leave school, he probably wouldn't even raise his voice at her." 

Li Lanni understood. So it was just some pampered princess who finally knew her way to school. But what was up with Cheng Yu's expression? 

"You know each other personally?" 

Cheng Yu looked even worse as she spat out. "It's a long story." 

"What is Ji Feifei doing here anyway? Wasnt she expelled?" A girl finally realized that Ji Feifei was here too. 

Ji Feifei narrowed her eyes in anger. She had come together with Ruby. Ruby had gained all their attention the instant she walked in but they are only noticing her now? 

She ignored them and walked towards the lockers installed at the side wall. After taking all she had to take from her locker, she locked gazes with Ruby Chan and left. 

"Oh... so she was only here to take her things. Makes sense." The curious students finally understood. 

Li Lanni was relieved. She didn't want to imagine having to breath the same air as that pretentious girl anymore. She was scared she might do something that wouldn't look good on her...