I don't know what you are talking about

With each word, Li Lanni's anger increased. Even she hadn't known just how significant the stalker's impact was. Now that she was facing him, she wanted to bite him to his death! 

Ah Chen had been slapped witless. At that moment, he didn't know whether he should be angry or not. 

No one had ever dared to lay a finger on him. Not even his mother. Yet now a girl dared to slap him not once but twice, and she was even yelling at him! It was unacceptable even if he liked her. 

The few students in the classroom shivered on Li Lanni's behalf. Did this girl lose her brains along with her memory? 

By slapping Ah Chen, was she tired of living? 

 Ah Chen struggled with himself for a few seconds before he swallowed his anger and looked at the raging girl. "Did someone hurt you and frame me by dropping my watch in your vicinity? This kind of thing happens quite often, and I lost my watch two days ago. So I have nothing to do with the stalker you speak of."

Li Lanni paused her outburst, rapidly calming down. 

Could it be that she had suspected the wrong person?

 But when she recalled Cheng Yu's incessant rumble, she was upset yet again. " I know that you never take that watch off. Don't try to slither your way out of it!"

 Ah Chen was boiling with anger. He was being accused of something he knew nothing about. He wouldn't have bothered if it was someone else. But the one accusing him was his own goddess. He was anxious to clear his name, and if he didn't handle this matter properly, Li Lanni might be mad at him forever. 

While it was true that he rarely took off his watch, he did take it off two days ago to try on another, but that was precisely the moment he lost it. It was as though it was premeditated.

He was still thinking whether to offer his help in tracing the real culprit when the girl made an impatient turn. "Ah Chen, I don't want to have this conversation again. You know what I mean." With that, she sauntered away.

Ah Chen remained in the same position, standing stiffly.

That was clearly a threat. Next time, she would directly seek legal measures. 

Bloody hell! For the first time in his life, he was being warned, and he didn't even do anything.

The few students who were watching the spectacle hadn't managed to overhear their conversation, but when they saw a helpless Ah Chen cursing, they were stunned.

As soon as Li Lanni got to her classroom, Cheng Yu plastered herself onto her. "You hit Senior Ah Chen? What the hell did he do?"

Li Lanni slumped onto a seat, giving Cheng Yu a sidelong glance. "News does travel fast."

Cheng Yu sat beside her. "It's such a piece of explosive news, so it's not surprising. Anyway, you didn't answer me."

"It's personal." Li Lanni threw three words over and kept silent with 'Don't ask me anything else' written all over her face

Cheng Yu really wanted to know, but she knew better than anyone what Li Lanni's taboo was. She hated it when people asked about her personal matters, so Cheng Yu could only keep her curiosity in check.

Even so, she stuck to Li Lanni all day, rattling on like a broken recorder about how Ah Chen was a good match for her and that she should give him a chance.

At the end of the day, Cheng Yu's curiosity was finally satiated, and she got an answer to her question. One of the students from Ah Chen's art class, who had caught a few words from Li Lanni's accusation this morning, let it slip to the other students. Apparently, Ah Chen had been caught stalking Li Lanni!

Everyone was displeased about their goddess being bothered by Ah Chen, but they only dared to gossip about it in hushed tones. By the end of the day, Lanni also heard all versions of stories about how Ah Chen stalked her. Although stalking of that level shouldn't really be considered a crime, Li Lanni felt that her safety was threatened. He wouldn't get away with it again if he crossed her bottom line.

Cheng Yu was surprised. Ah Chen stalked Li Lanni and was caught while doing so? 

Really? She will not believe it.  Anyone could be fooled but not her. 


Today, Cheng Yu wasn't the only person sticking onto another. 

In Feng Ji International, Jiang Xingyu wouldn't let Ji Xiehan go. 

Why? It need not be asked. He was here to annoy Ji Xiehan into helping him find that person. 

"Are you an elementary school kid?!" Ji Xiehan was angered by this man's antics. How could a grown man be so annoying? He was usually reasonable most of the time, but today, he was even more annoying than Lin Jian, that blabbermouth. Ji Xiehan really wanted to know what kind of deeds had he done in his past life to deserve such friends. 

This was the effect Jiang Xingyu wanted. He hopped over in triumph. "If you don't tell me, I'll continue to stick onto you like the strongest kind of glue!" 

Successfully pissed, Ji Xiehan tossed a name over. "Cheng Yu." 

Jiang Xingyu was speechless. This bastard knew it all along? What happened to their friendship? "Wait. Cheng Yu? I don't know this name. I've never heard of it." 

Ji Xiehan languidly leaned in his chair and shrugged off, "Your little angel might have lost her memory. Either that or she is intentionally evading you." 

Jiang Xingyu glared at his friend. "She would never avoid me. She doesn't have a reason to." 

"Whatever. You have a starting point now." 

Jiang Xingyu thanked him profusely then peered at Ji Xiehan cautiously. "You wouldn't be this kind-hearted." 

"I'm glad your brain started functioning."  A slight smirk appeared on Ji Xiehan's face.