
"You business-minded profiteer! You won't even let your own friend off!" 

Ji Xiehan gave a smug look. What could he do? "There's no such thing as friendship in business." 

"Fine. What do you want?" 

"Two bodyguards. The most professionally trained." 

Jiang Xingyu raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess. This is for your little beauty, too? You sure are going all the way for her. But doesn't the Ji family have bodyguards too? As a matter of fact, there should be at least hundreds of them, and every single one of them is fiercely trained." 

Jiang Xingyu's insistent rambling was cut short by the knock on the door.

Ji Xiehan knew who it was, so he let her in. 

Qiao Luna looked like she wanted to report something, but she snuck a glance at Jiang Xingyu.

"Jiang Corporation is Feng Ji International's major partner." He said when he saw her proceed with caution upon seeing Jiang Xingyu

Qiao Luna understood what he meant. He meant that she could say whatever she had to say as Jiang Xingyu was not considered an outsider. 

Compared to other days, Qiao Luna was significantly nervous. She delivered the documents before rattling her report and scurrying out of the office. 

Once she left, Jiang Xingyu raised an eyebrow with a "tut." "Your assistant... is rather strange."

"I have an old man at home to thank for that." Ji Xiehan couldn't hide his disappointment. 

 Initially, Qiao Luna had been a very competent assistant, and most importantly, she didn't harbor any kind of thoughts that employees shouldn't harbor. 

But thanks to his father, she was now no different from those delusional women who tried to find excuses to throw themselves at their bosses. 

Jiang Xingyu didn't know what to say. Why did Ji Xiehan make it sound like she had seduced him? 

He didn't know whether he was overthinking it, but that woman's gaze on Ji Xiehan... was more like she was looking at a foe.

Not only that, the second before she scurried away, she also snuck a glance at him. He could swear that he felt chills from that gaze. It was as though she was threatening him too.

And it wasn't only about that...

Maybe he was overthinking it?


That very night, at a high-end apartment in the capital. 

Cheng Yu rang the doorbell incessantly. 

A long while later, a youth who looked not a day older than twenty opened the door. The youth was clad in homely clothes but had put on dramatically huge sunglasses and a scarf.  The scarf was crooked, obviously it had been worn in a hurry when the doorbell rang.

"Cheng Yu? Please come in." Cheng Yu's arrival was unexpected. 

Cheng Yu walked in. Seeing that the guest was only Cheng Yu, V took off the disguise before  hurriedly going about serving her snacks and offering wine, but Cheng Yu wasn't even in the mood to stay. 

She shot a glare at V. "You have seriously crossed the line this time!" 

V instantly understood what Cheng Yu was talking about. "I'm sorry. I didn't want things to unfold that way."

"Sorry? That's all you have to say?" 

"I didn't think Lanni would have such a huge reaction either."

Cheng Yu, who was always cheerful and kind, was very angry this time. "So you really purposefully framed Ah Chen? Are you crazy?" 

Her words sliced into V's heart. It was hard to explain when no one really understood. "Listen, I wasn't ready to face Lanni, and I knew she was going to interrogate Ji Xiehan. You know what that would mean... that man has immense connections. Finding me would only be as hard as lifting a pinky finger for him...I had to shift her suspicion to someone else." 

"And you just had to pick Ah Chen..." Cheng Yu was unhappy. "When will you be ready? Haven't you been getting ready for ages already?" 

"When she trusts me." 

When Cheng Yu heard this, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his words. She had never heard anything so laughable. Since when can someone trust a stalker? 

"Listen, I'm done collaborating with you if there's any collaboration between us." Cheng Yu stood up as soon as she said her piece. She was extremely furious and annoyed.

"How can you say that?! Aren't we friends?" V desperately grabbed her arm.

"And I will no longer be your friend if you keep this charade up." She shrugged that cold hand off and walked out. 

Even she hadn't known how Li Lanni truly felt. Now that she thought about it calmly, it wasn't funny. How could anyone be at peace with some unknown person sending creepy messages? 

V had protected Li Lanni a few times behind the scenes. For example, if V hadn't appeared at the site of Li Lanni's accident months ago, Li Lanni would have died. The situation was even more risky for V than it was for Li Lanni. That was the only reason Cheng Yu was willing to trust and help V get close to Li Lanni. 

Though Cheng Yu couldn't help but wonder. Since V had saved her, this should have been enough to gain Li Lanni's trust, right? Only an idiot wouldn't grab such a chance.

Why would one save someone they obviously cared about but then choose to make it seem like someone else had been the one to dangerously take her out of the car?

But no matter what the reason was, it couldn't change the fact that this method of acting creepy was scaring Li Lanni. And it was not clever... it was freaking stupid! 

Seriously, there were many other methods of getting close to people. V just had to choose this... there must be something wrong with the way that person's brain was wired. 

It was even more stupid that she, who was Li Lanni's closest friend, had played a role in this. Cheng Yu clutched her heart, guilt sweeping in. She couldn't continue this for a long time. 

But as she exited the building, she felt as though a pair of eyes was watching her, and when she turned back, she saw no one.

Her blood ran cold. Was she just being paranoid?  

She turned again, but this time she clearly saw a shadow disappear behind a wall.  

Her first reaction was to run into a busier place. 

She had helped someone stalk Li Lanni. This must be her retribution, right? 

Or could it be that Li Lanni had found her out as the stalker's accomplice, and now she was returning the favor? 


That night, Cheng Yu was restless. In the end, she knew this wouldn't do. She took out her phone and drafted a long text to V.