Cupcakes for a broken heart

The following day.

B City University

Ah Chen had expected the misunderstanding to last at least a few weeks. He knew that even if he explained until his mouth bled, Li Lanni still wouldn't believe him.

Hence he had decided to speak with his actions. He would help her track the real stalker and prove his innocence.

But, the thorniest problem was that he didn't have a starting point. 

He didn't expect that just after his first class for the day, Li Lanni would look for him again. 

When he saw the beautiful girl walk towards him, he felt it was over. He must have been framed again. 

Who would do this to him? What kind of animosity did they have against each other? 

Was it Yu Guang? 

That idiot was pursuing Li Lanni too, but lately, he was all over Ruby Chan, so Ah Chen had assumed that he had given up on Li Lanni. 

Perhaps he had not truly given up and was trying to strike his opponents down before approaching the goddess? 

Ah Chen had killed himself in his heart several times for being such a fool and being unguarded by the time Li Lanni reached before him.

"Senior Ah Chen, hello." Li Lanni greeted him politely. 

Ah Chen was more shocked than excited. Did she just greet him? 

It was not that Li Lanni didn't have a sense of basic etiquette, she just didn't ever spare him a glance much less say hello. His ears flushed scarlet. "H-hello." 

Li Lanni took out a small box from her bag and stuck it out to him. "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you yesterday. These are cupcakes I baked to apologize. Please accept my apology." She sincerely apologized to him with a soft smile on her face.

That smile struck Ah Chen straight at his heart. He felt like he was in a dream. Who am I? Where am I? Why is my goddess smiling at me? And she even personally baked cupcakes for him.

He only recovered his sanity after pinching himself so many times that his skin was sore. 

He held out his hand slowly, as though afraid the box would disappear along with his goddess. 

Seeing that he had accepted the cupcakes, Li Lanni sighed in relief. "I'll get going then. My literature class is about to start." 

"Wait." Ah Chen suddenly said. 

"Is there something else?" 

Ah Chen set the box of cupcakes aside carefully and looked at her thoughtfully. "Not only did you hurt my charming face by slapping it terribly hard, but there are also rumors around the school about me being a stalker. Do you think cupcakes are enough to apologize for that?" 

Li Lanni felt immensely guilty. This time it was completely her mistake. She wouldn't be so impatient in the future. "Anything I can do to make you feel better?" 

Ah Chen pretended to spin his brains for a long time before finally saying, "Having a dinner with me will be able to compensate for the emotional damage." 

Li Lanni studied his expression before carefully asking, "What about the other damages?" 

Ah Chen was startled. What a smart girl. He was going to bring up other weird damages such as psychological and physical damages to guilt-trip her into having more meals with him. But now that she brought it up, it would sound like he was taking advantage of her remorse to make unreasonable advances. 

He could only ask the question that had been hounding his brain for weeks. "Lanni, just which part of me do you find deplorable? Why won't you spare me a second glance even when you know I love you very much?" 

Li Lanni knew this question would come sooner or later. "Are you sure you want me to answer this?" 

Ah Chen felt the chills down his spine. "On second thought, forget it. Let's have the meal this evening if it's okay with you." 

But Li Lanni still answered him with a blank face. "Are you blind, or are you just pretending to be blind? 

I have a fiancé already! Are you really going to continue pursuing another man's wife?" 

Ah Chen looked like he had swallowed a fly. In just a few seconds, he went to hell from heaven. "What did you say?" 

"I said I'm engaged. Is this reason enough?" She walked off, leaving behind a heartbroken Ah Chen. 

Little did Lanni know that her small lie would soon become a reality. If she had known, she wouldn't have used her tongue so carelessly.

Behind her, Ah Chen looked like all his life had been a lie. How could Li Lanni be engaged? 

Wasn't she just nineteen? She wasn't even twenty yet! 

But then again, it didn't seem impossible. Some people even got engaged in their childhood. Perhaps Li Lanni's so called fiancé was someone her family match made her with when she was still a child? 

But that didn't make sense either. If Li Lanni had a childhood fiancé, she wouldn't have dated Senior Yang. 

He had witnessed their lovey dovey ways when Li Lanni was still a freshman. 

A thought crossed his mind. What if Yang Su was in fact, Li Lanni's so called fiancé? But didn't the rumors say he was in a vegetative state? 

Now that sounded worse. Perhaps that was why Li Lanni was not close to any man. Maybe she was just being loyal to her unconscious fiancé. 

He felt like he was going crazy from all the wild thoughts. Why was it so hard to woo a girl? 

Forget it. He would just eat his cupcakes to heal his broken heart. 


Sorry for the confusion, the chapters were inverted. It's all good now