Try another joke

"Ah Chen, what are you eating?" A lad from his class asked, puzzled. Since when did this guy eat cakes?! Had he gone crazy? 

Ah Chen, who was munching on the second cupcake, glared at him in defense. This was from his goddess. No touching! 

The guy wasn't initially interested but when he saw how Ah Chen savored it like it was from the kitchen of the gods, he couldn't resist the urge to steal one away when Ah Chen wasn't paying attention. 

The result was... 

"Urgh.... how do you even manage to swallow this?!" 

It was incredibly bland! 

As for the guy who was immersed in enjoying the bland cupcakes like they were a rare delicacy, he was crazy! Perhaps his tongue was laced with figurative honey so everything he ate would be sweet.

 Actually, Li Lanni had recieved one of those anonymous messages late the previous night. The dumb stalker had apologized for making her misunderstand Ah Chen. Li Lanni had thought that this might be Ah Chen's way of getting out of trouble but when she thought about it clearly, she felt that Ah Chen didn't look like he was lying when she confronted him. Besides that man from the hospital looked thinner and frailer than most men. Although Ah Chen was also on the slim side, he wasn't that skinny. 

Now, her desire to kill that stalker surged even higher. He had made her misunderstand an innocent young man! 

She knew that she wouldn't take back those slaps but she still had to apologize. A verbal apology definitely wouldn't suffice.  

So after thinking about it,  she decided to bake him cupcakes. She would have asked the chef to do it for her but to show her sincerity, she baked them herself using a recipe book.

Sadly, she didn't know it but although the end result looked yummy, their taste was anything but.


When Li Lanni parted with Ah Chen, she took a few of Cheng Yu's drafts. 

The girl obviously bombarded her with questions since she had seen her speaking to Ah Chen. Li Lanni ignored them and went to Feng Ji International. 

Her training lessons would start on Thursday. Although she couldn't give her chance to Cheng Yu, she could still help her get into Star Art International. It would be even better if they became classmates. 

Hence she said politely to the receptionist at the lobby, "I would like to meet Ji Xiehan." 

The woman at the reception scrutinized Li Lanni from head to toe and frowned when she saw that she was wearing B City  University's uniform. "Little girl, do you have an appointment?" 

"No, but..." 

"You cannot see him. Master Ji is a busy man and will not just see anyone simply because they want to see him." 

Li Lanni hadn't expected it to be too easy. She had deleted his contact number before and didn't want to ask her mother for it. She knew that Li Yuming's imagination would run wild. Wild enough to picture herself as Ji Xiehan's mother-in-law at the very least. So she could only ask, "Can I make one now?" 

The receptionist didn't look friendly. "Sure. But Master Ji's schedule is full for the next two months. I'll book you in in two months." 

Li Lanni almost couldn't hold back her chuckle. Booked for two months? He must be busier than the city's surveillance system. 

How could she not understand? The receptionist was obviously deliberately making her give up. 

"Forget it. It's an urgent matter. Please call Ji Xiehan's office and tell him that Miss Li is here to see him." 

The receptionist was annoyed now. "Who do you think you are that I should make an exception for you? And how dare you directly call our Master Ji's name?

How hilarious! In the end, you just want to seduce him with your vixen looks, don't you? I have seen many like you! Underage girls who shamelessly want more than they can get." 

Li Lanni almost wanted to pick her ears. Underage girls? "And I have seen many like you as well. Receptionists who rudely assume the power to make decisions for the boss. Aren't you afraid that if I turn out to be someone of importance, I will have you fired?"

The woman was stunned for a moment then laughed in the next. "Important? Try another joke. Why would Master Ji know someone like you? You are only being shameless! Doesn't your school give you enough homework?" 

"Oh?" Li Lanni raised an eyebrow, it was fun to irk the brainless receptionist. She wondered just how the famed Feng Ji International could hire someone who didn't know to be polite. 

But since it was fun to irk her, she didn't mind. "Since you doubt me, why don't you confirm it? It's as easy as calling Ji Xiehan." 

The receptionist was about to explode when hurried footsteps were heard. For a reason, Li Lanni had a strange feeling. 

"Miss Lanni, are you here for Master Ji?" Qiao Luna asked with a respectful bow. 

Li Lanni nodded. 

Qiao Luna glared at the receptionist. "Go and recieve your final payment and leave!" 

The receptionist was shocked to the core but kept a confident front. "Since when does Miss Qiao hold such authority in the company?" 

Qiao Luna was the epitome of seriousness. "You have gone against a basic work policy of respect. Not only that, you have also offended an important guest. I'm only asking you to resign. Of course, if you want to wait for Master Ji to find out what happened and kick you out like a stray dog, be my guest." 

Qiao Luna then turned to Li Lanni. "Miss Lanni, I apologize for that. Please follow me, Master Ji is in his office." 

"Okay." Li Lanni followed her, wondering why she felt something weird about this woman. 

Was it because she was Ji Xiehan's assistant and was therefore close to him? 

Gah! Why did she just think about that?