Meeting Ji Xiehan

When Ji Xiehan heard from Qiao Luna that Li Lanni was in the lobby asking to meet him, his excitement was beyond words. 

He wanted to rush over and receive her, but he knew that he might scare her away with his excitement, so he sent Qiao Luna to receive her. 

This was the first time Li Lanni had looked for him. He couldn't help feeling nervous. He waited with bated breath for Li Lanni's arrival in his chamber.

He didn't have to wait for long as Qiao Luna soon escorted her to his chamber.

After showing Li Lanni to Ji Xiehan's office, Qiao Luna tactfully retreated. 

When she arrived, he tried his best to keep calm. " Hello! Little Beauty." 

"Hello, Mr. Ji." Li Lanni's lips twitched as she politely greeted him. She wasn't exactly pleased with these weird names that guys kept calling her, but it was just a nickname, so she didn't kick a fuss. 

"You came to look for me because?" Ji Xiehan wasn't stupid enough to think she was here to have a cup of tea with him. 

"I may need your help with something. "She straightforwardly stated her purpose.

"Oh? With what?" He tried to act nonchalant, but his heart was on the verge of exploding. One had to know that Li Lanni was usually cold to him. Yet today, she had not only actively sought him; she was even asking for his help? This must be a dream! 

Unaware of the turmoil in a certain person's heart, Li Lanni proceeded to ask, "You mentioned before that you are in good terms with people from Star Art International. If it's not troublesome, please help me set up a meeting with Vice CEO Si." 

"That's doable, but why do you want to meet her?" The only reason he could think of was that Li Lanni wanted to go to Star Art International, but since she won that contest, she should have received that opportunity naturally, shouldn't she? 

"It's for my friend." Li Lanni said, understanding his train of thought. 

"Mmh." Ji Xiehan was a little disappointed that she was not seeking help for herself but for someone else. But he still took out his personal phone and dialed a number. 

"What do you want?" As soon as Jiang Xingyu lifted the phone, he impatiently asked.

"Get to my office right this instant." Ji Xiehan hung up with just a few words, not giving his friend the chance to refute. 

Li Lanni looked on curiously. Did he call Si Yulin? 

If he did, then she would have to admire him. He could even order the Vice CEO of Star Art International around with just a few words.

Jiang Xingyu didn't waste time. He whined his way into Ji Xiehan's office within half an hour. 

Jiang Corporation building was just close by, and he knew that Ji Xiehan wouldn't seek him so urgently for trivial matters, so he hurried over thinking that there might be some urgent matter. 

"Yo, what do you want from me? I have already satisfied your...request..." 

The whiny Jiang Xingyu froze, his eyes widening when he saw Li Lanni in his office.

Ji Xiehan was uncomfortable. Even though she is beautiful enough to freeze people into statues, she is his, alright? Is that reaction really appropriate? Stop looking at her... Jiang Xingyu! 

Jiang Xingyu finally felt the dagger-like glare and snapped back. I was only looking at her, jeez! Why does he have to overreact?

If Ji Xiehan felt uncomfortable about Jiang Xingyu's gaze, obviously Li Lanni would feel even worse. 

Nonetheless, she remained silent. From this man's casual entry, he must be Ji Xiehan's close friend. Pfft. As expected, one is recognized by the company one keeps. Perverts would only befriend fellow perverts. 

If Ji Xehan had known Li Lanni's thoughts, he sure would have seethed with rage. He was innocent, okay! He was not a pervert. How could he be compared to that asshole Jiang Xingyu?

Of course, as Ji Xiehan was not aware of her thoughts, he could only be silently degraded by Li Lanni in her mind. 

Ji Xiehan coughed and looked at Li Lanni. "This is Jiang Xingyu. You can discuss the matter with him."  

"Jiang Xingyu? CEO Jiang?" Li Lanni was in disbelief. She had only wanted to meet the Vice CEO of Star Art International, but this guy brought the big boss of the mother company? How efficient... 

Since he was already here, Li Lanni took out the drafts she had brought. Her first impression of Jiang Xingyu was much worse than what she thought of Ji Xiehan. She didn't want to have a private meeting with him, so she asked for Ji Xiehan's permission to discuss in his office. 

 It was no private matter, so Ji Xiehan let them use part of his office while he checked some documents that he had allowed Qiao Luna to bring. That's precisely what Ji Xiehan secretly hoped for too. Using this as an excuse, he could spend time with his Lanni though there was a third wheel in between, which couldn't be helped.

All was normal until Li Lanni presented Cheng Yu's drafts to Jiang Xingyu. His mind was ablaze with questions, and he couldn't hold them in anymore. 

"What's your name?" 

Li Lanni was stunned by the sudden shift of focus, but she answered, "I already said, my name is Li Lanni." 

Jiang Xingyu scrutinized her with all his curiosity piqued.

"CEO Jiang, is something the matter?" She felt goosebumps on her skin under his gaze. No one would feel comfortable under that gaze, okay? 

Jiang Xingyu understood that he had gone overboard with his gaze and coughed to avoid his embarrassment. "Little girl, do you know Cheng Yu?" 

Li Lanni frowned but still answered. "Yes, she's my friend." 

"You went to the same school?" 


Jiang Xingyu had 'I knew it' written all over his face. "Which high school did you go to?" 

"Is this an interview?" Li Lanni asked uncomfortably. 

Ji Xiehan, who was eavesdropping from the side, glared at him. He was annoying his Lanni.

"No, of course not." Jiang Xingyu laughed awkwardly, realizing he was scaring Ji Xiehan's little beauty. 

Li Lanni knew that this guy would most likely investigate her if she didn't answer, so she answered it. "Royalty High School." 

Jiang Xingyu frowned, his mood significantly changing. 

That girl didn't go to Royalty High School. And Li Lanni didn't look like she was lying. 

After a series of thoughts, he decided the answer still lay in Cheng Yu. "Can you help me meet Cheng Yu? I like her paintings." 

Li Lanni was relieved that they were finally back to the main point. "I will tell her about it." 


Although it was concluded, Jiang Xingyu still felt there was more to this girl. There was no way such shocking coincidences existed in real life. Even if Moonlight was a coincidence and Cheng Yu was a coincidence too, Li Lanni would be something else. 

How could two different people have the same characteristics as well as the same friends? Unless it was in one of those imaginary fictions about parallel worlds, it couldn't happen. 

Li Lanni was still wondering why Jiang Xingyu hadn't stopped scrutinizing her when another question came. "Has Cheng Yu ever lost her memory or changed her identity?"

This was getting overboard now. "I don't know." Li Lanni replied with a blank face.

Jiang Xingyu then significantly lowered his tone and carefully asked. "What about you?" 


"Have you ever lost your memory?"