He is mine!

Late at night in Ji Mansion,

The familiar sound of glasses shattering filled the living room. 

"How could he do this?! How could he?!" Ji Feifei screamed at the top of her lungs and pulled at her hair in frustration.

Madam Ji was startled. Was her daughter going crazy? "Feifei, calm down. Calm down, okay? Tell mother what happened." 

Ji Feifei broke down in Madam Ji's arms. "It's all that b*tch's fault. It's all because of her!" 

It took a while for Madam Ji to realize who she was talking about. There was only one 'b*tch' that Ji Feifei talked about lately. "Li Lanni? What did she do this time?" 

"She and brother are engaged!" Ji Feifei didn't know what to say to her mother, who didn't even know what her son was doing.

"What did you say?" Madam Ji was flabbergasted.

Ji Feifei cried harder, then took out her phone to show Madam Ji the news. 

Madam Ji hadn't been paying attention to online news lately.