Cat got your tongue?

Li Yuming glared at the two of them. "Weren't you professing your love for each other? What now, cat got your tongue?" 

"Aunty, it's not what you think." Ji Xiehan tried to salvage the situation. 

"And what am I thinking, huh? Ji Xiehan, you have disappointed me. I want to speak to my daughter." Li Yuming hissed in anger.

Ji Xiehan understood that she was chasing him indirectly, so he stood up to leave. But before going, he looked into her eyes and sincerely said, "Aunty, the engagement is indeed fake. But my love for Lanni is not. I love Lanni with all my heart." 

Li Yuming looked at his retreating back and almost called him back. He was right. He truly loved Lanni. She could see that clearly from the way he treated her. 

But, since they loved each other so much, why would they fake an engagement? After thinking about it for a while, she still could not understand.