Make your way here

She glared right back at him. "What? Did anyone say we couldn't talk?" She harrumphed and remained silent. Cheng Yu wasn't in the mood to talk anyway. 

The driver deliberately kept using longer routes and going in circles, infuriating Li Lanni and Cheng Yu, then only drove to private property after an hour. 

Wait. A villa? 

"Go on in." The man instructed.

They went in as instructed. Li Lanni held Cheng Yu's shoulder. "Xiao Ying will be alright. I will not let anything happen to him." She didn't know why she was so confident either, but she just was. 

They entered the villa, the door shutting heavily behind them. They heard heavy and firm footsteps emanating from the corridor. 

They grew more anxious each second that passed, and just when they were about to break down, the man showed himself. 

"Jiang Xingyu!" Cheng Yu cursed.