You forced me to do this

That night, in Jiang Xingyu's villa.

"That little..!" Jiang Xingyu really wanted to curse. How dare she? 

He wouldn't have known who was behind that article if Ji Xiehan had not told him how good she was at programming and hacking. She had used an anonymous user account with a fake IP address, and the real address couldn't be traced even by the most proficient hacker he could hire. It was quite obvious now.

He knew that the article meant nothing and that Jiang Corporation didn't have any dirty secrets, at least none that he knew about. However, that was not what the higher-ups thought. They thought it was risky to pull down the post because whether it was true or not, such an article would ruin Jiang Corporation's image, whether it was there or not. 

The only thing they could do was get the thread starter to admit that they were only messing around - which was impossible because they couldn't even trace them.