
The scene changed yet again. 

This time, Lanni was slightly older and a lot bolder than she was before. This time, she was standing before someone she was quite familiar with—Ji Feifei. She crossed her arms against her chest as she interrogated Ji Feifei. "What's your relationship with Li Xiyan?"

Before Ji Fei Fei could answer, Lanni's head hurt like a fire was burning her brains out. She gripped her forehead, groaning from the pain. Seeing this, the hypnotist chanted something to wake her up. 

Once she was awake, her head no longer hurt that badly. It felt as though she had been asleep for days and when she asked for the time, she was surprised that it had taken only thirty minutes. 

"If you are hypnotized two or three more times, you might remember everything." Han Xichen said to her, happy that she seemed to remember many things.

"Thank you." She said gratefully, her hand still holding onto Ji Xie Han's tightly.