You are being unreasonable

Xiehan took Lanni to the restaurant he had suggested a while ago. Because they were both famished, they ordered immediately and started eating as soon as the meals arrived. It was only when they were eating dessert that Ji Xiehan found the chance to ask. "You have been so silent lately. Is something bothering you?" 

For the last few days, they had not met and only exchanged calls and text messages. Lanni didn't sound alright, but he had been waiting for her to open up on her own. But seeing that she was still a little moody, he couldn't help but ask. 

Lanni smiled briefly. "I'm…" 

She was going to say that she was alright but she knew that she wasn't. Ji Xiehan would only be worried about her if she didn't speak up so she did. "I realized why I couldn't recover my memory before, even with hypnosis." 

"Why is that?" Ji Xiehan was curious. 

"It's Xia Luna." 

Ji Xiehan was taken aback. Xia Luna? How was she even responsible?