Dangerous Criminal Convicted

Xiehan's lips twitched when she cursed. She had just blurted out the name of the person he also thought must be behind this. Since they both thought of him, it must really be him. What did he want? Because if he was thinking of trying to drive a wedge between him and Lanni… 

Xiehan suddenly wanted to grab someone by his ponytail and fling him across the street. 

"What did you guys talk about?" He changed the topic before he could really look for him and break his hands or give him a black eye. 

Lanni didn't want to talk about what happened either. "He urged me to investigate Li Xiyan. He thinks the same as us—that Li Xiyan blackmailed Luna. I don't know why he cares but..." Xiehan turned to raise an eyebrow as she continued, "I think he has a point. But how do I even go about doing such a suicidal task?"