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The duo passed by a European-styled coffee shop and Cedric thought about it before stopping her. "Do you want coffee?" 

Cheng Yu silently nodded, so they walked into the coffee shop one after another. Cheng Yu chose a seat by the window and sat down just as Cedric sat in the seat opposite hers. 

Cedric glanced at the menu and back at her. "What would you like to drink?" 

"Espresso." Cheng Yu said without thinking, and Cedric smiled, making the former wonder why he liked smiling so much. How silly. 

They both ordered Espresso and it arrived fast.

"We have similar tastes, it seems." Cedric made a joke out of it and she scoffed at him. Why did he like to make a big deal out of little things? 

Cedric coughed to mask his awkwardness as he lifted his cup to his lips. 

Cheng Yu lifted her cup to her lips too, savoring the strong taste. 

"Everyone thinks Luna did something wrong." She suddenly spoke, catching him off guard.