Make it up

As soon as the class ended, Cheng Yu gathered her things hurriedly and looked like she was in a rush to go somewhere.

Cedric noticed this and hurried over to her before she could leave.

"What do you want?" Cheng Yu snapped in annoyance when she saw him standing in her way.

Cedric was taken aback. Wasn't she friendly earlier? They even had espresso together and took a peaceful walk. They even exchanged phone numbers and she had agreed to give him a call if she ever needed help with anything. Why was she suddenly snapping at him so coldly?

Then again, this was probably her normal attitude towards him. He shouldn't have thought too much just because she was slightly less hostile earlier. He cleared his throat and smiled. "Are you free to have lunch together? I know of…"

"I'm busy." Cheng Yu cut him off ruthlessly and went on her way. She was just too embarrassed to face him after thinking too much for so long.