Go on one knee

"Why does it sound like you're scheming something?" Lanni laughed. "We are already together. Do you still need to scheme to get what you want? You can just ask, you know."

Xiehan chuckled. "Who said I couldn't scheme just because I have already made you mine? I can still play tricks, alright?"

"Hold on. Give me an hour." He added.

"Okay." Lanni hung up and waited. Something must have come up, requiring him to go back to work.

One hour later, he called again.

"Not a second late." She smiled, pleased with her man's punctuality. He said one hour when he meant it and would be right in time—neither too early not too late. Realizing that she had been doing nothing but staring at her phone and waiting for his call, she took the phone and answered the call.

"Come down." Xiehan said monotonously as soon as the call was connected.