his little cupcake

Xiehan was silent for a whole minute, processing what she had just said before carefully asking, "What happened to your  father?"

"He…" Lanni tried to steady her breathing as Xiehan held her. "He woke up!"

Xiehan frowned and looked at her. "You don't look anything like someone whose father has woken up after being in a coma for a whole year."

Lanni bit her lip. "I know. It's just that, " she lowered her voice, as though guilty about what she was going to say. "What wrong timing."

Xiehan understood her instantly. He couldn't say that he thought the same way, but he understood why she would think that way.

Lanni had hoped to get Luna freed before her father woke up. Now that he was awake, she might have to explain to him where her sister was.

Lanni picked up her phone and checked it. Seeing that it was broken, she kept it in her purse. She would buy another one later. "I'll go to the hospital to see him."