Get out of here

When Xia Hanchen was about to finish eating, Lanni started feeling nervous again.

Xia Hanchen noticed this and looked at her worriedly. "Cupcake, is anything the matter? You look nervous."

Lanni shook her head rapidly and grabbed an apple from the assortment of fruits. She washed and peeled it then sliced it for him.

Xia Hanchen knew she was having trouble trying to say something so he took the sliced apples and ate as he waited for her to speak.

Finally, she let out a puff of air and spoke. "Dad, I would like you to meet someone."

"Who?" He asked even though from her timidity just now, he could guess who she wanted him to meet.

"Someone important to me. He…" Lanni paused and went to the door. She opened it and looked at Xiehan who was still outside, sitting on a bench in the hallway and checking something on his phone. He turned to look at her and she smiled, her message clear even though she did not utter a word.