My wife

Time ticked. Thirty minutes later, Lanni started getting anxious. What was it that they were talking about for so long? Did she need to go and check?

She was just about to go and check when she saw Xiehan finally exiting the hospital.

She sighed in relief as he walked to her.

"You took so long. What were you even talking about?"

Xiehan grinned as he gave her a sidelong glance. "Are you scared that Uncle will bully me? Don't you trust him?"

Lanni shot him a glance. "Forget about trust. He looked like he was going to make things difficult for you. Turns out I was worried about nothing."

Xiehan pressed the car key to unlock the car and opened the passenger door for her. She went in, and he also entered to sit in the driver's seat as he glanced at her teasingly. "Honey, don't you trust your man's charm? If I can charm my way into your heart, then I can convince the in-laws too."