The perfect candidate

"Are you out of your mind?" Xiehan scolded. "What are you even thinking, suggesting to go into such a dangerous place?" 

"This is the only thing I can do, my love. I know it will be dangerous but I will take care of myself. It's the fastest way." 

"That doesn't make it the right way, nor is it the only way to handle this." Xiehan chided. Why did she always only think of methods that put her life in danger? 

"We can get an employee to go to your home. The employee doesn't necessarily have to gain Li Xiyan's trust and whatnot. He just has to carefully gather information. We will help him from the outside." 

"What are you talking about?" Lanni didn't understand. Wasn't this similar to the initial suggestion? 

"Let's go to my mansion and I'll show you." Xiehan said and headed for his mansion. 

When they arrived, they went straight to his study.