The perfect candidate(2)

That was how An Zichen came about—he was Old Master Feng's chauffeur at the time and he had been the one to trick Feng Ci.

Xiehan thought about it. Lanni had mentioned that she had saved his sister and helped him clear his debt. That, and the fact that she had also helped him get a job, made him unwaveringly loyal to Lanni. He would do anything to pay her back for her kindness, which was why he was just the perfect candidate for the job.

Seeing as he did not object, Lanni smiled. It seemed like he also thought of An Zichen as the best candidate.

"Then, I'll contact him." Lanni stood up but just before she grabbed her phone to make the call, Ji Xiehan suddenly stood and closed in on her. It only took a few seconds for him to grab her hand and pry the phone away, leaving it on the table. "Do that later. For now, spend a littlw more time with me."

Lanni blushed when she understood that his statement had a double meaning to it. "Alright."