
Even so, Lanni didn't want to create a fuss over a trivial matter so she didn't say anything about it. In the end, it was decided that she and Luna would go shopping on their own.


That afternoon, Lanni dragged Luna to one of the stores she frequented.

As soon as they entered, Lanni saw a gorgeous blue dress by the window. She hopped over to it in excitement. "I told you this store was full of beautiful clothes. Even a simple scarf here is exquisite." She chirped and called over a salesgirl. "Please help her try it on."

"Me?" Luna was taken aback by Lanni's request.

"Yes! Isn't it pretty?" Lanni held up its hem for Luna to touch.

"But it's too colorful." Luna felt uncomfortable just imagining such a dress on her body. The top half of the dress was a royal blue color. However, the skirt was a lighter shade of blue and had uncountable realistic-looking lilies stitched closely together around the hem.