Better bullying methods

Meanwhile, in Li Yuming's villa.

"Ma'am, here is what you asked for." A young man handed a USB flash drive to Li Yuming.

She took it then gave him an envelope. "You did well. Make sure no one finds out about this. No one. Not even the people closest to you."

The young man opened the envelope and checked its content and when he saw the thick stack of bills in it, he grinned from ear to ear. "Thank you ma'am. I will be sure to tell no one."

When the man left, Li Yuming inserted the flash drive into a laptop and checked its content. A small frown formed on her lips when she saw the pictures with Luna and Flynn in it, a rush of complicated feelings filling her heart. This girl...


Lanni and Luna only got back home later in the evening, each carrying several shopping bags in their hands. Most of the clothes they had bought were for Luna, Lanni had only bought a few.