The future Mrs. Jiang

Xingyu pulled her into a hug that lasted several minutes. When he finally managed to calm down a little from his excitement, he pressed a kiss onto her forehead. He wanted to announce it to the whole world that Luna had agreed to marry him but first, he wanted to ensure she was comfortable. Hence he asked, "Are you tired? I will run you a bath then you can go to sleep after taking a bath." 

When she nodded, he carried her to the master bedroom—even though she could walk on her own—and lay her on the huge bed. He then dashed off to run a bath and soon returned to carry her to the bathroom. 

"Xingyu, I'm not a baby." She was embarrassed when he wordlessly lifted her off the bed. 

"Mmh." He nodded but didn't let her down. "Let me pamper you." 

She had no retaliation to that, so she could only wrap her arms around his neck and let him do as he pleased.