Xiehan's fiancée

Lanni's apartment, at noon. 

Lanni paced around the walk-in closet, trying to find what to wear. Xiehan's flight would arrive in one hour and a half and she couldn't contain her excitement. After trying on dress after dress, she finally settled for a blue skirt and white sleeveless top. Sliding her high heels on, she put on a dab of lipstick and, spraying a tiny bit of perfume onto her neck, she grabbed her car keys and left the apartment. 


B City Airport. 

She had left the house at the most convenient time, so neither she nor Xiehan had to wait for the other for too long. It wasn't long before she saw him exit his terminal. 

Just as she was about to rush up to him, she noticed a young lady a step behind him. She ignored her, assuming that the girl was going her own way, but just as Xiehan reached her, the girl clung onto his sleeve.