Ruby Chan

Lanni looked at Ruby meaningfully, then glanced at Xiehan with "I told you" written all over her eyes. 

Xiehan's eyes darkened. 

Ruby knew what he was thinking and quickly explained, "All I wanted was to get a little closer to Xiehan as a friend. I didn't expect…" 

Her statement trailed off, as though she was too troubled to say anything. 

Lanni scratched the part behind her ear. This was unbelievable! After lying to everyone, making everyone worried over a lie and trying to seduce Xiehan, she now wanted to act wronged by pushing the blame onto Lanni and accuse the latter of invading her privacy? 

While she did invade her privacy, she didn't have much choice. Would she have to investigate Ruby if she didn't start scheming? 

Not willing to argue with her, she grabbed Xiehan's hand. "My love, let's go." 

"Mmh." He led the way out of the ward. 

Lin Jian, who had not reacted since receiving the bombshell, looked at Ruby in disbelief.