A stroll by the beach

When Ruby left the study, she basically stumbled downstairs helplessly. She was sure that based on Xiehan's gaze earlier, he didn't truly believe her. However, it was still alright if he investigated since it would only prove that she was telling the truth. 

Just as she took a turn to go to her room, a strong hand dragged her to the side. 

"What do you want?" She asked sharply. Lin Jian had almost startled the life out of her. 

The man gazed down at her flirtatiously. "Let's take a walk by the beach." 

She pulled her wrist from his hand with a frown and leaned against the wall behind her. "Everyone is going together later." 

Lin Jian knew this, but he insisted. "Don't you want to take a walk with me… Just the two of us? There is probably no one outside at this time so it will be cool." 

Ruby nodded to his persuasion, she needed some time to cool off anyway. Hence, the two of them got changed and made their way out of the house.