
"You must be tired after walking for so long so… I can carry you for a while if you don't mind." Cedric offered, almost fainting out of nervousness. 

Cheng Yu shook her head as she looked at him. She sighed helplessly. Why was the man still so persistent about acting like a couple with her, even after she had rejected him so many times? 

Although this is what she thought, she had already embarrassed him earlier and made him the laughing stock for a while, so she couldn't bring herself to say no to him again. It was just a piggyback ride, and it didn't mean much, right?

Making a mental note to talk to him about it later, she walked behind him. "Just this once." 

He joyously supported her onto his back, not sure where to place his hands. Just like Lanni and Luna, she was wearing a pair of shorts that didn't even cover half of her thighs. If his hand came into contact with her skin, would she be offended?