Too worrisome

Xiehan held her waist and deepened the kiss. It was not a gentle, loving kiss but a ferocious one as though he was venting something. 

Her body shuddered when he bit her lip. "Did something happen?" 

He collected himself and shook his head. "As I said, nothing you should worry about. It's just that…" 

She waited patiently for him to continue. 

He sighed helplessly and pinched his nose bridge. "My aunt and uncle are planning to visit soon." 

She tilted her head in confusion. "Isn't that a good thing?" 

"Well, it is. We won't have to make a trip to Australia anymore. Well, we can later but it will not be because of this. Alas, I'm afraid they're not just coming to visit. They are coming for Xiaoshi." 

Lanni still didn't understand how that was a bad thing. 

It shouldn't be a bad thing, however, "I have failed as a cousin. I didn't protect her well enough and let her fall in love with a man who couldn't be with her."