My only goddess

On the bed, Cedric was watching her with an amused expression. Was she that scared of sharing a bed with him? Then, if she knew that it would not be the first time that they slept on the same bed, wouldn't she beat him to death? Since he still wanted to stay alive, he didn't mention it. 

"Aren't you going to sleep yet? it's not good for a girl to stay up too late." He asked with concern. 

"I will soon. Go to sleep first." She yawned. 

Understanding that she was still uncomfortable around him, he lay on the bed and closed his eyes. Even then, he was worried that she would force herself to stay up all night and didn't drift into sleep. If she still didn't go to sleep after a few minutes, he would use the excuse of being sleepless and wanting to watch a movie to go to the living room.